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Your second assignment will be a critical evaluation of a single journal article. The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or...

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Your second assignment will be a critical evaluation of a single journal article. The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or describing the argument and evidence of some recognized authority whom you cite.) You must remember that this assignment isnotan essay, and you are expected to critically and creatively evaluate the target paper that has been selected.
The length of your assignment should be

no more than
6 pages(notincluding the title page or end-text reference list), and should be formatted according to APA 7threquirements (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced).

target journal article

Download target journal article

is Cuppello et al. (2023)
lity and management level: Traits that get you to the top
Answered 1 days After May 16, 2023


Sanjukta answered on May 18 2023
35 Votes
Article analysis
The paper that will be evaluated is namely Personality and management level: Traits that get you to the top. Arguments will be made against this piece of research paper. It is stated by the authors of the journal article that the personality traits tend to differ among the individuals at various management levels. Furthermore, a lot of studies in various countries and using different personality measures have used management level as a criterion for understanding the factors that lead promotions and hopefully success in the role.
Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can be stated that personality is highlighted as one of the major element in the study for promoting an individual as a manager. However, it can be argued that there are some of the other factors also that are required for making an individual manager at an organization. It can be argued that the character of an individual highlights the moral, personality, belief and also ethics. This article missed stating some of the major traits that make an individual a manager such as an ambitious person have a strongest desire for achieving success. An organization as seen by a lot of researchers looks at the ambition of an individual that means the additional effort they are giving to reach the desired result (Reckaway, 2016).
One of the statements that can be completely opposed is when the article states that experience is a factor that for some of the companies are the determinant factor for promotion and it is also regarded as the most powerful predictor of the managerial level. However, seniority should never be a reason to promote someone and it is not at all opposed by this study instead they supported it. There are research works where the researchers have conducted study and have talked to the participants who have been promoted because of their seniority have admitted that they did so not because it was one of the most objective way of making the decision but it also allowed them in terms of avoid having the difficult conversation when they had to tell other people why they were not selected for the job. If an organization is considering it as a major reason for promoting someone in the managerial level then they should have some shame as the best workers in that company deserves better. These are some of the issues that are due to the seniority based promotions that is not highlighted by this journal article such as it will hinder the recruitment part where the talents are not awarded. Promotion based on the seniority and soon the individuals the firm will be attracting will be the people that are attracted in the seniority based system and nobody wants to work for this type of firm at all. Furthermore, another major problem is an individual who is a superstar wants to work in an environment where their talents are not awarded at all. Promotion based on seniority and as soon the individuals one attracts are those that are attracted based on the seniority based system and a company does not wants these types of people (Hight et al., 2019).
Seniority based promotions hurts the feelings of the other people in the company because there are a lot of people who deserve candidate but they do not get fair chance because of this. Another reason why seniority should not be entertained because it demoralizes and demotivates people who are qualified, it is concu
ed that clutching senior workers and eliminating the capable workers can be somewhat disheartening...

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