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Your assignment is to conduct a usability evaluation of another teams design Students are expected to discuss and evaluate another team design. And conclusively each student is expected to evaluate on...

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Your assignment is to conduct a usability evaluation of another teams design
Students are expected to discuss and evaluate another team design. And conclusively each student is expected to evaluate on the team designing and submit a GROUP report in word/pdf document in the following format:
1. Cover page
2. Table of contents
3. GROUP work -The team will be required to evaluate a design for usability issues. Use either or both
• Neilsen’s heuristics
• Cognitive Walkthrough
State which evaluation your team is doing.
Your team can use any other heuristics or evaluation method, as long as they are suitable to evaluating the mobile app.
4. INDIVIDIAL work- Show a thumbnail screenshots of all the mockups being evaluated.
If using the heuristic, (week 3, slide 10)
• state the heuristic being evaluated,
• Explain the heuristic used for the evaluation. (what, why and how)
If using the cognitive walkthrough, (week 3, slide 12)
• Detail the personas being used for the evaluation
• State task being evaluated.
• Explain how the evaluation is being conducted (according to the lecture).
• Answer the 4 questions of the cognitive walkthrough for each task.
For both types of evaluation, discuss
• What the issue is and where is it located
• Why the issue is a problem;
• Whether the issue is a significant or a minor issue
• Possible remediation actions that could resolve the issues found.
5. The team will submit a 3-5 page report
6. Indicate in your team forum the reasoning behind your evaluation decisions. This reasoning must demonstrate input from each member of the team. (50 marks) –MANDATORY for each INDIVIDUAL Student
The word document should be saved in the following format:
Groupname-assessment 3.doc.
Example: ambyl5group2-assessment 3.doc
The final document has to be submitted via Blackboard on or before the due date. i.e., 29-Apr-2018 by 11.59 p.m
To follow:
• Header includes Subject code, subject name, Group name
• Footer includes Student id, student name, page number
• Font- Times New Roman – size 12
• Heading font – Times New Roman – size 14
• Include pictures, images if required with references.
• Referencing list should be alphabetically ordered with APA referencing style.
Answered Same Day Apr 28, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Apr 30 2020
148 Votes
Subject code
Subject name
Group name            
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Task: 1 - Order a dish or food items from the app    3
Task: 2 – Change Settings    4
References:    9
I will be using cognitive walkthrough to evaluate the following screens –
1. Restaurant Dish
2. Restaurant Product View
3. Food Products
4. Food Product View
5. Success and
6. Settings
Here is the persona that is being used for the evaluation.
Rishabh is an online marketing professional who works with cab sharing company in Melbourne. He is young (28 years old) and ambitious who believes in putting in long hours at work to climb up faster on the corporate ladder. According to Yeo, Goh and Razaei (2015), due to paucity of time on weekdays, people orders meals online. However since he is fond of cooking, he prefers to cook on weekends and hence orders food items online. He is technology savvy and is at top of the curve when it comes to trying any new app. But given his ease with technology, he is also a discerning user who doesn’t shy away from writing his views on social media if anything goes wrong.
The assessor will have to do these tasks basis which wireframes will be evaluated.
1. Order a dish or food items
2. Change setting on the app
Task: 1 - Order a dish or food items from the app
1. Will the user try to achieve the right outcome?
The wireframe named Restaurant Dish doesn’t make any assumptions regarding the user. It simply lists out all the available dishes in the restaurant (Sendelbach et al., 2017). It is the case with Food Items screen as well. However there is an assumption in both of these listing pages that requires user to gauge whether a food item or dish is vegetarian or not.
Once the user selects any particular dish, he is taken to the...

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