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You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk. In a two-to three-page...

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You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk.

In a two-to three-page summary, address the following questions.

  • Topic/Angle/Purpose
    • What is the topic of the TED Talk?
    • What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents?
    • What is the purpose of TED Talk? What does the speaker want the audience to do with the information they are presented with?
  • Rhetorical Situations
    • Who is the target audience for the TED Talk? Why does this matter?
    • What is the context of the TED Talk? What historical or current event information does the audience need to understand the argument?
    • What rhetorical appeals (reason, emotion, credibility) does the speaker use to help strengthen the argument?
  • Evidence
    • What types of evidence are used?
    • Does the evidence seem credible? Why or why not?
    • What additional information do you want to know about the topic?
  • Style
    • How does the speaker introduce the topic? Is it compelling?
    • How does the speaker conclude the talk? What methods does the speaker use to finalize the talk?

Remember to submit your assignment by the end of the week.


Analyzing Debatable Claims RubricAnalyzing Debatable Claims Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic/Angle/Purpose AnalysisTopic, angle, and purpose are summarized to help build a foundation for understanding the argument.
20.0ptsFull Marks0.0ptsNo Marks
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRhetorical Situations AnalysisThere is a clear evaluation of the use of rhetorical conventions including rhetorical appeals, audience, and context.
25.0ptsFull Marks0.0ptsNo Marks
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence AnalysisEvidence from the talk is reviewed and assessed for credibility, usage, and rhetorical effectiveness.
25.0ptsFull Marks0.0ptsNo Marks
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle AnalysisAttention is paid to style conventions utilized. Value judgments are conveyed concerning the effectiveness of the argument.
20.0ptsFull Marks0.0ptsNo Marks
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanicsStandard language conventions are used appropriate to academic and professional communication. Attention is paid to grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. Citations are in APA format.
10.0ptsFull Marks0.0ptsNo Marks
Total Points:100.0
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021


Abhishek answered on May 30 2021
147 Votes
Running Head: TED TALK        1
TED TALK                                             5
(With Madhavi Shankar’s Ted Talk Show Debate)
Table of Contents
Title of Selected TED Talk    3
Speaker Information    3
URL for Selected TED Talk    3
Name of the Topic    3
Topic/Angle/Purpose of the Talk Show (TED TALK)    3
Topic of the TED TALK and Angle of the Argument of the Speaker:    3
Purpose of the TED Talk and Speaker’s Expectation from the Audience:    4
Rhetorical Situations    4
Target Audience of the TED TALK and Its Importance:    4
Context of the TED TALK and What Audience Needs to Understand:    4
Rhetorical Appeals:    5
Evidence    5
Types of Evidences Used and Their Credibility:    5
Additional Information I would like to have:    5
Style    6
Introduction of the Topic:    6
Conclusion of the Discussion and Methods Used for It:    6
Reference    7
Title of Selected TED Talk
Empowerment of Women in India and Application to Global Context
Speaker Information
Madhavi Shankar, an Entrepreneu
URL for Selected TED Talk
Name of the Topic
Women Empowerment in India
Topic/Angle/Purpose of the Talk Show (TED TALK)
Topic of the TED TALK and Angle of the Argument of the Speaker:
The main topic of the TED TALK show is Empowerment of Women in India. From the birth of civilization, women not only in India but also in other parts of the country are regarded as second class citizens whose main e
and in life is expected to be get ma
ied with a suitable husband, take care of her husband and his family. I have selected this particular talk show topic because I think if we really want to make civilization potential then it is very potential to make women potential and they should be given a scope to do what they intend to do. The fact is that if women intend to be a NASA scientist or a Dancer, it should be completely her decision. Women are not born only for satisfying...

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