You should aim for approximately 250 words under each heading (but you may wish to align your word count with the marks allocated to each heading).
Here are some suggested questions to guide your writing. Do not simply cut and paste them and write your answers. That would be just going through the motions and would not show that you have independently thought about the assignment.
Preparation (30 marks)
What was the purpose of tutorial 1?
What was the scope of the required preparation?
What research/readings did you choose to focus on and why?
Participation (20 marks)
What learning exercises were covered in tutorials?
What was discussed in your group/s and what good ideas were generated?
What and how did you contribute to the group/class discussions (based on your preparation and in- class activities)?
Reflection (40 marks)
Note: this is reflection your on your learning (not other students’ learning).
What do you know now that you didn’t know before this tutorial?
How did ‘active learning’ contribute to your understanding of social research methods (so far)?
Did you learn anything about how you learn (related to social research methods)?
How to you put your learning in context – where you are now and what you would like to learn / will be learning in the coming weeks?
Was what you learned /are learning in about social research methods as you expected? What has surprised you?