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You must use @Risk:The revenues from ticket sales at CSU are significant, but the sale of food, beverages, and souvenirs has contributed greatly to the overall profitability of the football program....

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You must use @Risk:

The revenues from ticket sales at CSU are significant, but the sale of food, beverages, and souvenirs has contributed greatly to the overall profitability of the football program. One particular souvenir is the football program for each game. The distribution of the demand of programs at each game is unknow but information about the last 140 games is available on file Module4_Assignment.xlsx (check under Excel Files Module). Historically, CSU has never seen the demand per game to be fewer than 2,300 programs or more than 2,700 programs.

Each program costs $0.75 to produce and sells for $2.00. Any programs that are not sold are donated to a recycling center and do not produce any revenue. The distribution of the number of programs to print per game(supply) is unknown but information about the last 140 games is available on file Module4_Assignment.xlsx (check under Excel Files Module).

  1. Identify the best distributions to fit your data (and their parameters).Comment on your findings.

  2. Simulate profit per game (iterations = 1,000).

  3. Compute the expected profit per game, median profit and the std. deviation.

  4. What is the probability that profit per game will be between x than y? (pick arbitrary values for x and y)

Answered 1 days After Nov 10, 2023


Banasree answered on Nov 12 2023
40 Votes
Page | 2
Descriptive Statistic:
    Demand Data
    Standard E
    Standard Deviation
    Sample Variance
    Confidence Level(95.0%)
The histogram in the figure shows the distribution of demand for football programs at CSU. The best distribution to accommodate this data is the normal distribution. The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, is a bell-shaped distribution that is symmetric about the mean. The overall the distribution is well suited to the requirements of the football program at CSU because the distribution is symmetrical. The average requirement is 2,500 systems, with most sports requiring between 2,300 and 2,700 systems.
Please refer spreadsheet for the detail calculation.
Simulated profit:

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