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You might think that processes are unimportant or that they are a minor part of business operations. This is far from true. Companies need processes in every aspect of their operations to maintain...

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You might think that processes are unimportant or that they are a minor part of business operations. This is far from true. Companies need processes in every aspect of their operations to maintain efficiency and the highest probability of success. Evolving processes is not an easy task and requires detailed knowledge of the company's operations, behaviors, and products. In their article,
Case Study: Solutions in Practice
, Sinha and Srinivas XXXXXXXXXXprovide insight on how to apply business process reengineering (BPR).

Read the case study and answer the following in a 1-2 page response:

  • Select a business of your choice to which you want to apply the BPR concept.

  • Apply the five-step process mentioned in the Sinha article to the process that you want to change in the company.

  • Provide concluding remarks about evaluating your application of the BPR.

  • Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. Please see the attached rubric tol

Answered 2 days After Apr 30, 2024


Sandeep answered on May 03 2024
11 Votes
In the Sinha article, the five-step process for Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is outlined as follows:
· Develop Vision and Objectives:
· Identify Processes to Reengineer:
· Understand and Measure Existing Processes:
· Redesign Processes:
· Implement and Monitor Changes.
Let's consider applying Business Process Reengineering (BPR) concepts to a retail business, specifically a large department store chain called "SuperMart."
SuperMart is a large department store chain facing challenges in its operations, including long checkout lines, inventory management issues, and declining customer satisfaction:
SuperMart's Cu
ent Checkout Process:
Customer Selection:
· Customers select items and proceed to the checkout area.
Checkout Process:
· Customers queue in checkout lines.
· Cashiers scan items and process payments.
· Baggers pack items, and customers collect their purchases.
Customer Experience:
· Long wait times in checkout lines.
· Customers often experience frustration due to delays.
· Limited flexibility in payment options.
Challenges Necessitating Implementation of BPR:
Long Wait Times:
· Average checkout wait time is cu
ently 10-15 minutes, leading to customer frustration.
· High customer traffic during peak hours exace
ates waits times.
Inefficiency in Checkout Process:
· Inefficient scanning and payment processes lead to delays.
· Manual bagging...

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