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You can use Excel or SPSS to complete this assignment. Use the Excel data file Dataset_BUS_770.xlsx .The data file is located in GAP under Week Ten. Complete the following tasks and copy your results...

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You can use Excel or SPSS to complete this assignment. Use the Excel data file Dataset_BUS_770.xlsx.The data file is located in GAP under Week Ten. Complete the following tasks and copy your results in a word document and submit your report.

1) Create standardized values for the Overall GPA variable. Report key descriptive statistics for this variable (i.e., standardized Overall GPA). Make sure your report table includes measures of Kurtosis and Skewness.

2) Create a histogram of Standardized Overall GPA. Based on your visual inspection and measures of Kurtosis and Skewness, what is your conclusion regarding the shape of the distribution? Does it resemble a normal distribution? Explain.

3) Create a crosstabulation of Retained vs College_A. How many students in College of Education were retained? What percentage of all retained students were from College of Education?

Create a crosstabulation of Retained vs Received Financial Aid. Of the students who had received financial aid, what percentage were retained? Conduct the Goodness of Fit test and calculate the chi-square value. Write the null and alternative hypotheses. What is your conclusion?
Answered 1 days After Jul 12, 2021


Atreye answered on Jul 13 2021
140 Votes
Solution 1:
Steps to follow in Excel:
· Go to Analyze and then select Descriptive Statistics. Choose Descriptives..
· In variables(s) choose the variable “Overall GPA”.
· Check the box “Save standardized values as variables”.
· Click Ok.
Part of output obtained in SPSS.
Steps to follow for Descriptive statistics for standardized Overall GPA:
· Go to Analyze and then select Descriptive Statistics. Choose Descriptives..
· In variables(s) choose the variable “Overall GPA”.
· In options, check all boxes except Sum and S.E of Mean. Click Continue.
· Click Ok.
Output obtained in Minitab:
Solution 2:
· Steps to follow for drawing Histogram of Standardized Overall GPA in SPSS:
· Go to Graphs and then select Legacy Dialoges and choose Histogram.
· In variable choose the variable “Standardized Overall GPA”.
· Click Ok.
Output obtained in SPSS:
From the graph, it...

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