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Spicey dishes are too cold. weird-tasting drinks Waiters tattoos offensive. not enuf parking here Yo! Parkingg! Dinner arrived too quickly. Spicy Thai Coconut Soup was cold Some servers are...

1 answer below »
Spicey dishes are too cold.
weird-tasting drinks
Waiters tattoos offensive.
not enuf parking here
Yo! Parkingg!
Dinner a
ived too quickly.
Spicy Thai Coconut Soup was cold
Some servers are overwhelmed.
I think you should hire better waiters.
slow, slow, slow, slow
This meal is so expensive.
Service is rushed
Watier greeted us as, "How are you guys?" I am a customer, not a casual buddy.
Food is cold
Food is too fatty
Our Grilled Thai Beef dishes were undercooked..
Meals a
ived too quickly.
Too noisy / can't hold a conversation
Waitress didnt take care of us
why is the water tasting ho
Menu hard to read and dirty.
ought too soon.
Food is too unhealthy
oily food
Coffee is burnt.
Drinks not a
iving fast enough.
Food is dry
Temperatures being to hot inside.
wait staff bad
Too spicey!
Temperatures being too cold inside.
Soda is flat
Waiters hair being down.
Menu needs more fresh items
Server did not offer a to go box.
Service could be better.
Unhappy that we didnt recieve the table we WANT, with no reservation.
Dirty glasses and plats.
ought out coffee too soon before dessert and coffee got cold
Service is not professional
It's too loud in this restaurant!
site is hard too read
My Grilled Thai Beef was too well done
"Mild" pad thai is too hot.
Thinking we are being overcharged for desserts
Menu could be clearer.
Server actually sat next to my boyfriend at our table.
Not clean is no good.
Menu options good be better.
A.C. too cold
Too cold
Cannot find serve
Fod is generally too salty.
Felt like we have to leave the place for the next group of dinners.
Received different dish than ordered
Server did not refill drinks.
Menu . . .
My server is so slow!
Your menu is hard to read.
It's too dark in this restaurant!
Wiatress wiped down our tabletop and seats with the same dirty cloth.
Inconvenient parking - your website should explain this.
prking iz baad
Dirty bathroomz
Too expensive
Check came too slow.
It's too cold in this restaurant!
Silverware dirty.
Parking lot is too small.
I wanted my noodleson the side!
Service is bad
Server took a rag and flung all the residue and crumbs off the edge of table onto chairs.
Parking sucks.
It's too hot in this restaurant!
not enough veggies in my Spicy Thai Coconut Soup
Music was too loud.
Servers were overly familiar (squatted down at our tble).
Webstie should list specials.
Whats taking so long for our dinners?
Server was slow.
The bill coming too soon.
Waiting too long to be seated.
Coffee isnt hot enough
decor needs updating
the restaurant is too cold
Hair in food
Service is unfriendly
Too much ice in our soda.
Menu choices are good but could be better. Other than that, we had a great experience.
Your parking sucks - but I love your food!
menu culd be better...
Your sit doesn't have the latest menu.
there is not enough chicken in my soup
Take too long to pay check
Place not clean
My drink isnt strong enough
Some severs are te
my drink is too sweet
Food is good but served cold.
Server rushed guests to decide on their order.
It's too busy in this restaurant!
Not enough alcohol in our 'Neat' drink.
Never, never, nev
dirty tables,
my drink is too bitte
athrum bad
Portion is small
Service poor.
You really, really need to clean your bathroomz . . .
Service slow.
Soup a
ived too quickly.
This is definitely NOT what I ordered!
Portions are too small
Wraps are good but served cold.
Lights being too
Food is too greasy
Server unavailable when needed.
dirty plates!
Food too hot
Other loud guest
Rud servers!
Server asked if I needed change - this is presumptuous.
Could you add a better kid's menu?
Shuld have signs showing alternate paring sites when your lot is full.
A waiter taking too long to a
ive at a table
the line up to be seated is too long
Service is slow
there is no parking
Server started clearing dishes while some of us were still eating
Service slow!
Upset that we came 15 minutes early to pick up lunch to go and its not ready
Food is bland
Can't watch what we want on TV
the restaurant is too hot
Food is not fresh
Parents allowed children to run loose
We didn't like our table but couldn't get a booth.
Lack of items on the menu (too many thai meals)
yo mama!
Food has ingredient in it we doesn't like
Where are the specials on the menu?
Its not clear.
Server was rude and slow.
$24 for one entree?!?
Food is overcooked
Food is too salty
Hello! I think
Price of salads.
When I went to the ladies room, there were no towels or soap.
Don't have certain dish on menu anymore
Food is overpriced
Bathroom was dirty.
My children did not have a good time at your restatuarnt. I want my money back.
We had a party of 10 and it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get us a table!
Our waitress was very nice but slow.
Food is undercooked
ude, rude, rude!
Dingin room is noisy.
Loud music
music is too loud
Received different than what they expected
Fly in drink
Food is flavorless
My food is cold
No refills
Service could be faster.
Taking dishes before everyone is done.
Bathroom not clean
Menu is confusing.
My drink is too strong.
You don't have enough parking - has anyone ever told you that?
Waiter took too long to
ing drinks.
food bad
Upset that we have to wait until 5:30 for dinner to even begin.
We didn't like the location of where we're sitting
Portions are too small.
Where is the children's menu?
Waiting . . .
too cool!
lack of napkins
Portiosn are too large.
The bill coming too late
Food is tasteless
It's too
ight in this restaurant!
No, no, no!
my drink is too sou
Lack of sides
service bad
Am angry that a Top Shelf drink costs too much.
Having dishes sitting in front of them
I can't find parking after 7PM.
You have the worst parking lot I have ever seen.
My girlfirend
oke up with me over the cold fud. Thanks alot…
Not enough ice in drink
Not enough choices on menu.
ing main plate before appetizer is over.
You need more vegetarian items on your menu.
kitchen not clean!
Updated your menu! Ours was six months old!
Dirty bathroom.
Too many choices on menu.
Gratuity added onto check

Problem Statement:
You are working at the restaurant and when owner hears you studied TQM at the University, asks you to convert raw data from paper customer comment forms at each table s into a Pareto Chart. The owner asks you to do the following tasks:
1. Create an Excel file
a. Label the first worksheet 'Pareto Chart'.
. Label the second worksheet 'Customer Comments' and paste the data from the included text file, then assign each comment to one of the following nine categories (note: not all comments fit neatly into a category, so use your judgment as to the best place to put them. However, each comment must belong to one and only one category):
Cleanliness Other Parking Website
Food Prep XXXXXXXXXXMenu Service Unknown
c. Create a Pareto Chart based on the distribution of comments by categories. Note: this will require doing a Pivot Chart to count the number of records in each comment category. Follow the instructions shown in the video (5m 26s) at: https: 48_TsNo, which explains the chart mechanics in detail.
d. Insert a textbox under the Pareto Chart and answer the following questions: What is the summary of what this chart shows? What are your recommendations to management? What is a significant limitation of the data in this particular chart (i.e., not a limitation of Pareto Charts in general)? What do you propose be done to alleviate this limitation?
2. Insert a second textbox and answer the following questions regarding the quality of operations at the restaurant:
a. Based on the data provided, what do you think reasons are for poor customer satisfaction and what are the potential impact on loyalty behaviors at the restaurant?
. Develop a procedure that should be followed by the staff when they first come into contact with a diner.
Answered Same Day Jun 18, 2021


Sudipta answered on Jun 19 2021
161 Votes
Pareto chart
    Row Labels    Count of Category    Cumulative    Percentage
    Service     65    65    31%
    Food Prep     44    109    52%
    Menu     33    142    67%
    Ambiance    22    164    78%
    Cleanliness    15    179    85%
    Parking     12    191    91%
    Other     9    200    95%
    Unknown    8    208    99%
    Website     3    211    100%
    Grand Total    211
    Category    Frequency    Cumulative    Percentage
    Service     65    65    31%
    Food Prep     44    109    52%
    Menu     33    142    67%
    Ambiance    22    164    78%
    Cleanliness    15    179    85%
    Parking     12    191    91%
    Other     9    200    95%
    Unknown    8    208    99%
    Website     3    211    100%
    Total    211
Comments in respective category
Service     Food Prep     Menu     Ambiance    Cleanliness    Parking     Other     Unknown    Website     65    44    33    22    15    12    9    8    3    Percentage    
Service     Food Prep     Menu     Ambiance    Cleanliness    Parking     Other     Unknown    Website     0.30805687203791471    0.51658767772511849    0.67298578199052128    0.77725118483412325    0.84834123222748814    0.90521327014218012    0.94786729857819907    0.98578199052132698    1    
Out of total comments, most of the comments received by restaurant is associated with its service. Number of comments related to food prep is maintaining the second position. the restaurant has received least amount of comments about its website.
Recommendation to management
Management team of the restaurant must invest time and money to enhance their food quality and service. Also, management team should focus of improve inside ambiance and menu design.
Limitation of data
Some comments are fragmented like 'yes', 'true', 'no no no'. it was not possible to determine what these comments were supposed to say. therefore, these comments are listed under unknown category.
Proposal to mitigate the limitation
If a customer is interested enough to make a comment should be asked by the restaurant first, otherwise they will make these fragmented comments.
a. Reason of poor customer satisfaction
As per analysis, it is found that delay in serving food, casual behaviour from waiter, unpleasant taste of food, delay in serving food are some common reason behind poor customer satisfaction.
The restaurant might face less customer volume in upcoming time. Restaurant might face no repeat customer in coming time. this will also impact on restaurant’s financial condition. Hence, it is proved poor customer satisfaction having impact on customer loyalty.
. Development of procure
The staffs should follow the bellow mentioned steps while serving a customer:
- Greet customers
- Offer complimentary
- Offer them the menu
- Talk about potential taste of the selected dish by the custome
- If time required for preparing the dish then tell it to them
- If any instant complaint regarding dish received from customers try to replace it
- Don't be too professional don't be too frank
- Always be around the table
- Don't hu
y on cleaning the table, wait till customers leave the table
- Try to generate the bill as soon as possible
- Greet them on leaving
Customer comments
    Comments    Category
    Yes    Unknown
    ture    Unknown
    location    Unknown
    Never, never, nev    Unknown
    yo mama!    Unknown
    Its not clear.    Unknown
    Hello! I think    Unknown
    No, no, no!    Unknown
    Dirty glasses and plats.    Cleanliness
    Not clean is no good.    Cleanliness
    Wiatress wiped down our tabletop and seats with the same dirty cloth    Cleanliness
    Dirty bathroomz    Cleanliness
    Silverware dirty.    Cleanliness
    Place not clean    Cleanliness
    dirty tables    Cleanliness
    Bathrooms    Cleanliness
    bathrum bad    Cleanliness
    You really, really need to clean your bathroomz     Cleanliness
    dirty plates!    Cleanliness
    Bathroom was dirty.    Cleanliness
    Bathroom not clean    Cleanliness
    kitchen not...

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