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—You are required to think of an interesting hospitality business -research idea and develop this idea into a formal, clearly-articulated research question – a problem-statement. This question will be...

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—You are required to think of an interesting hospitality business -research idea and develop this idea into a formal, clearly-articulated research question – a problem-statement. This question will be used as the organising framework for a critical literature review of previous academic research in the area. —Assignment 3 has two related stages. The first is to convert your idea into aresearchable questionusing the techniques taught in the first two weeks of the unit. The second is to write acritical literature reviewusing the methods taught in week 3 of the unit. —The overall objective is to produce a formal research question and set of research objectives based on a rigorous assessment of the available evidence on the topic. This will be the basis for your development of the project report in Assignment 3. —You are encouraged to discuss your research idea(s) with your lecturer and fellow students in the workshops/tutorials as well as study the materials for the first three weeks of the unit carefully. You will start with a general research idea and, as you go through the literature review, you will modify and hone your question into a clear and concise statement that could form the basis of a research design.
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020 MNG10720 Southern Cross University


Akansha answered on May 18 2020
150 Votes
A Study on Scope of Theme Resorts in India
Unit Code
Professor’s Name
Background    4
The significance of Research    4
The scope of Study    5
Problem Statement and Objectives    6
Review of Literature    6
References    10
A resort may be defined as an isolated location, with the independent business establishment which tries to offer the travellers/tourists their requirements such as drinks, accommodation, food, sports, recreation or shopping, at the establishment itself. There are various types of theme-based resorts in the world which includes health and wellness resorts, fantasy/storyline resorts, sports and adventure resorts – ski resorts, golf resorts, forest/jungle resorts and many more (Majeed, Lu, Majeed & Shahid, 2018). These resorts have a significant characteristic of being highly capital intensive and facing high competition from international organisations in the sector. India is a very fast developing country with the second highest population in the country and a well to do tourism industry. The state is a land having few such theme-based resorts serving the community. It has been observed that these capital-intensive resorts have not been able to reap financial benefits as per their expectations due to specific reasons. Giants such as Walt Disney World Resort have plans of expanding in a country like India (Dermatopathol, 2017). This study aims to identify the factors that can lead to the success of theme resorts in India. It tries to find out the reasons for the gap in resort business expectations and actual customer response. The study would focus on expectations of potential customers regarding theme resorts and the real supply. This study will describe the importance and scope of the subject for the benefit of companies such as Walt Disney and their marketing strategies in India. It will investigate the literature review given by experts in the field of hospitality for the evidence of future scope for theme-based resorts in developing countries like India.
Significance of Research
This study has some important applications for Walt Disney, and it is management team to decide the future strategies for expansion plans in India. India and its tourism industry are growing at a whopping pace (Kandampully, Zhang & Bilgihan, 2015). The tourism industry in India generated approximately $240 billion which amounted for 10% of the country’s gross domestic product of 2017 and is expected to grow at a rate of 7% by 2028 as per Travel and Tourism Economic Impact report, 2017. The findings of this study will answer the research question which states: The future of Theme-based resorts in India – Success or not? Hence, this research will help the organisation to understand the market segment of the prospect country, demands and expectations of tourists in India, geographical benefit, demographics etc. It will further help the company to decide whether to establish its resorts in India or not in the first stance from the data collected through this research (Milman, 2010). Ady Milman (2010) solicited responses from the resort managers and agreed to the fact that various economic factors and demographic factors are perceived to affect the future success rate of this industry significantly. They also support the success of theme based resorts by finding the choices of potential customers including fantasy, mystery, wellness, adventure and science-based topics. This will help in identifying the target group according to the demographic variables such as age, income group, family status, education of the potential customers (Aghdaie & Alimardani, 2015). After identifying this group of the target market, the company can strategise its marketing and promotional activities focusing on them only rather than wasting time and capital on the population who might not have the potential for the business.
Scope of Study
The study addresses the subject of future...

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