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Writing Questions: 1. How can Sylvia Federici’s arguments about social reproduction apply today? Not ‘does it apply today or not- do not write an essay about how more women work, about how women...

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Writing Questions:

1. How can Sylvia Federici’s arguments about social reproduction apply today? Not ‘does it apply today or not- do not write an essay about how more women work, about how women have more social freedoms than they did in the 70s, or about how men do housework too! That much is clear. Instead, write about how the concept of social reproduction – and specifically the idea that devaluing social reproductive labor is profitable – helps explain something today. It does not have to be about women!!

2. Why did I assign these readings together? Why did I put a 70’s struggle over housework and the role of women together with readings about globalization? In other words: How does social reproduction help us to understand globalization and neoliberalism? If you are answering this question, it might be helpful to think about how social reproduction may have a part of the story told in Life and Debt, or to focus on Anna Phizaklea’s chapter on the fashion industry.

Answered Same Day Mar 02, 2020


Dr. Vidhya answered on Mar 05 2020
154 Votes
The perception of social reproduction is still viewed as something similar to the past when in United States; the women labor force underwent some root level changes. Sylvia Federici’s arguments over the concept of social reproduction are worth talking in this context. The more concept of globalization is ongoing, the more demand for labor forces are surging to the surface. However, the expansion of families and social values is mixed in a complex manner in this trend. The devaluing of social reproduction is now seen as profitable...

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