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Write an Op-Ed (opinion-editorial) piece that allows you to demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good may be...

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Write an Op-Ed (opinion-editorial) piece that allows you to demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good may be addressed by you in your professional practice now and in the future. You will need to select an issue that relates to the degree program you are studying and write a concise but persuasive opinion piece on an issue or problem relating to the dignity of the human person and the realisation of the common good that relates to your future professional practice.
Answered Same Day Oct 21, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
140 Votes
Opinion Editorial Assignment
Concerning the crisis in Syria, the response by the Australian Government can be considered not only generous but virtuous too. The refuge crisis has been crucial. With the moments attributed to starvation, injuries, hunger and separation from families and the lands, the refugees strive for a better living (MediaBlog, 2017). The human misery can be well comprehended with the peak suffering as handled by the refugees as they set on a journey.
The vision pertaining to the Catholic Social thought does trace clearly the solidarity along with the human rights standing to be the crucial philosophical pillars of ethics. The significant contributions attributed are the integration of the virtue pertaining to solidarity along with the integrated rights for humans as argued by Meghan too (Clark, Meghan J., 2014). This is closely associated to the debates taking place in the philosophical theory too. Human rights are crucial. With the principles associated to the Catholic Social Thought, the understanding and comprehension basis the knowledge is significant (Donley, S. R., Grandjean, C., Jairath, N., 2006; Kammer, F., 2004; MediaBlog, 2017). It is well exhibited to our lives as we undertake the concerns associated with responsibilities and challenges based on experiences.
In understanding the plight I do agree that the experience of being separated from each other and traversing ba
en lands with less of motivation is not easy. The acknowledgement done for the human dignity is far from being witnessed by everyone (MediaBlog, 2017; Morsink, J., 1999; Kammer, F., 2004; Grace,...

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