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Write an essay with a minimum of 1,000 words. Choose a subject that you have an interest in or an opinion about. It is important to clearly state your position or viewpoint in your first paragraph....

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Write an essay with a minimum of 1,000 words.Choose a subject that you have an interest in or an opinion about. It is important to clearly state your position or viewpoint in your first paragraph. Remember to use valid, specific details to support your writing.

In your introduction include a brief overview of the subject or topic. You may include a narrative of past events, a summary of others’ opinions on your subject, or a summary of the basic facts. Tell your reader why your subject is a valid concern, why it is interesting, or explain how it has been misunderstood.

My Topic for this essay is:Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?

I do NOT believe that parents should be able to modify their unborn children. Please base the essay on supporting that idea.

Some parents love the idea of being able to determine what their unborn child will look like, while others fear that changing a child’s genetics might lead to complications in the future.

2. Briefly list the points/reasons you have for selecting your topic, including your initial opinions about it.

(a) I have children of my own.

(b) I want to know detail about the topic.

(c) The topic stands out because it is interesting to me.

3. Find two opposing viewpoints about your topic. List them in your proposal and plan to address them in your essay.

Genetic Modification: Disease Prevention or Future Disaster? | by Margaret Sanders - Student | Voices | Medium

THE PROS AND CONS OF “DESIGNER BABIES” | The Ethics of "Designer Babies" (

Please incorporate the thesis and information I have provided and make sure to use the two opposing resource links I provided in addition to at least 3 more for the references.

You must have a thesis sentence that clearly defines the topic you are going to discuss; each of your
supporting paragraphs must also have a clear topic sentence.

In your essay, you are expected to use a minimum of three correct MLA or APA citations and
complete a Works Cited or References page with a minimum of three correct sources.

Your paper, appropriately titled, should be between three and four typed pages, double-spaced, in a 12-
point font.

Please put your name, the title of the course and index number, and the date on the top left-hand
corner of the first page. Your title should be centered on the first page below your name, and you
should begin your text one line below your title.

You must have a thesis sentence that clearly defines the topic you are going to discuss; each of your
supporting paragraphs must also have a clear topic sentence.

In your essay, you are expected to use a minimum of three correct MLA or APA citations and
complete a Works Cited or References page with a minimum of three correct sources.

Your paper, appropriately titled, should be between three and four typed pages, double-spaced, in a 12-
point font.

Please put your name, the title of the course and index number, and the date on the top left-hand
corner of the first page. Your title should be centered on the first page below your name, and you should begin your text one line below your title.

Answered 15 days After Dec 01, 2021


Tanmoy answered on Dec 03 2021
120 Votes
Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?
According to my opinion, the parents should not be allowed to modify their unborn children. Parents should not be allowed to select from a menu of prefe
ed traits and characters with respect to their children. If the parents attempt to do so then it can hinder the child from ca
ying the specific genes which could reduce the genetic distinctions required for the human beings to continue with and live. This is essential especially if there are any sudden environmental changes affecting the child. The parent must choose and allow the child with inborn characteristics and personal traits and try to inculcate them so that it can be beneficial in the future. There is too much diversity in the human society and hence the parents wants that their children should develop all these capabilities which will help them to become successful in the society. They want their children to inculcate certain characteristics which will help them to compete with others in all spheres of life. These characteristics may be like choosing a boy over girls especially in countries like India; intelligence, strength, agile, longevity to any disease and long life. But, this form of choosing the traits of a child turns them into a commercial product by commodifying them (Timothy F. Murphy, 2012).
The in-vitro fertilization clinics are growing rapidly throughout the world and providing opportunities to the parents to choose the gender of their baby. In United States approval have been provided by the regulatory authority which helps to predict the risks associated with heart and diseases like diabetes in the children. Such initiative is welcomed as it helps the parents to identify the medical measures necessary after their child is born for reducing the impact of such diseases. One such organization is Genomic Prediction helping the parents to know if their child suffers from any disease before they are born (Pan American Life Insurance Group; 2019).
There has been a word which has been debated for decades which is known as ‘designer babies.’ Yet the option of designing their babies before they are born is restricted for the parents. In the concept of designer babies, the physicians are able to evade the baby’s birth if they have any particular genetic i
egularities or the baby is born due to undesired sex through the process of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). This process consists of IVF and the em
yo selection process.
In United Kingdom there are provision for choosing the traits of a child before they are born. There are approximately 360 genetic conditions which are being licensed for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis while still 24 genetic circumstances are under consideration. The question is whether the parents are able to modify an unborn child with non-medical traits. These traits may be in the form of sporting expertise, musical or artistic skills, high-level of intelligence, low level of depression and aggressive attitudes or choosing a child with...

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