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Write an essay on the following topic: Traumatic Brain Injury The essay should contain at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. It should cover the following points: Explain the...

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Write an essay on the following topic:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

The essay should contain at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. It should cover the following points:

  • Explain the pathophysiology of the disease
  • Discuss common clinical manifestations
  • List differential diagnoses
  • Determine which lab tests would confirm the diagnosis and expected results
  • Analyze a current protocol for treatment and discuss how the treatment works from the pathophysiological perspective
Answered Same Day Jul 07, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Jul 11 2020
128 Votes
Running Head: Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury 2
Traumatic Brain Injury
Submitted to:……………………
Submitted by:……………………
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Intracranial Injury is a kind of
ain dysfunction, caused by an external violent force or blow to the
ain (CDC, 2017). As our
ain controls all the functions of our body, an injury in the
ain may affect our overall personality, mainly affecting our cognitive capacity. The
ain injury occurs at a far high frequency than any other disease. According to a report, one TBI case occurs in the US every 15 seconds, giving rise to 1.7 million new
ain injuries every year. In the US, the major causes of TBI are falls (35%) and road accidents (17%) (Prins et al, 2013). The impact of Traumatic Brain Injury may range from mild, moderate to severe.
The essay will analyze the Pathophysiology of Traumatic Brain Injury, its common clinical manifestations, and differential diagnosis. At last, the study explains the laboratory tests and expected results along with a cu
ent protocol for the management and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury.
When the
ain moves at a faster rate inside the skull, it results in traumatic
ain injury Injury (Center for Disease Control & Prevention, 2017). The initial trauma can be categorized into two groups: Direct impact (banging the head with some hard surface) or Nonimpact (rapid movement of
ain back and forth). Both of them results in altered mental condition.
The Traumatic Brain Injury involves neurochemical changes associated with ionic imbalances, changes in the Cere
al metabolism of glucose, impaired glucose transport, and complete energy crisis in the body (Prins et al, 2013).
Neurons transport beta-amyloid precursor proteins to the axons. The head injury may damage these beta-amyloid accumulations and the axons which are proximal to the injury. In certain cases, the neurons may develop apoptosis, which results in delayed dysfunction of the
The Traumatic Brain Injury releases the neurotransmitter (Glutamate) from the pre-synaptic area of neurons. It may further lead to ionic disequili
ium (efflux of K+ and influx of Ca+ / Na+) at the postsynaptic end. To re-establish the balance of ions and maintain the potential gradient across the plasma mem
ane, ATPase pump consumes more ATP. Such events lower down the energy stores of the cells. Traumatic Brain Injury also reduces the...

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