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ENGL 2332 Fall 2017 Final Exam Format: A minimum 600 words; no special formatting is necessary Assignment: For your final exam, I would like you to write about three to five common themes found in the...

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ENGL 2332
Fall 2017
Final Exam
Format: A minimum 600 words; no special formatting is necessary
Assignment: For your final exam, I would like you to write about three to five common themes
found in the works we have read this semester:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Iliad
The Ramayana
The Thousand and One Nights
The Inferno
Sei Shonagon & Christine of Pisan
Don Quixote
Paradise Lost
Evaluative Criteria:
· clarity of language
· unity of paragraphs
· cogency of terms
· analytical insight
· relevance of textual references Words of Advice:
You do not need to discuss every work we have read, but try to draw your references from as many as possible. Part of your effort should be in the precise naming and definition of your themes: if, for example, you discuss “revenge,” refine the meaning of that term from several angles, e.g.: cultural, historical, literary, psychological, military, etc. Focus explicitly on the way you define the thematic concepts, and then seek after points of comparison and contrast: so, in terms of revenge, how is Beowulf’s violence against Grendel similar or different to Dante’s “violence” toward the damned he encounters further down in the Inferno? It is entirely up to you, however, as to which themes you choose, and how you define them.
In addition to discussing the works themselves, you might conclude with (or include within the body of the essay) a consideration of the ways these texts bear relevance to the world and time we live in now, and your own life.
Answered Same Day Dec 06, 2019 ENGL 2332


David answered on Dec 25 2019
154 Votes
Common themes
1. Theme: the inevitable death
The greatest lesson Gilgamesh learns is the inevitable and inescapable death, a fact of human life. When Enkidu met his fate and was cursed with inglorious and painful death, Gilgamesh got struck in grief over his death and he was te
ified when he realized his own mortality from his friend’s death. He realized to find the true meaning of human life and value of human accomplishment in the face of ultimate extinction. He went on a quest to decipher the mystery of death and to find a way to escape death, but ultimately he has to su
ender to the ultimate fact. The whole epic of Gilgamesh was not only on inevitability of death but also on the meaning of life. (Mark, Joshua, and Joshua Mark)
The whole play of hamlet is around the mystery of death. It is describing the life cycle of human kind in other words we eat during our life period and ultimately we are eaten by death. In the aftermath of his father’s death, hamlet was obsessed with the mystery of death. Over the play he considered the death from many perspectives. Throughout the play death was closely ties to the concept of spirituality, truth and uncertainty. ("Death As A Theme In "Hamlet"")
2. Theme: Good V/s Evil:
The Ramayana:
The central theme of Ramayana is the constant struggle between the good and the evils. The heroes fight against the bas who do not follow the “Dharma”. Dharma is the reflection of godly laws which every human has to abide and has to live his...

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