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Write a synopsis (summary) of the current Human Resource Management (HRM) academic research on the topic: WORKPLACE BULLYING (2750 words) excluding executive summary. The assignment should identify...

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Write a synopsis (summary) of the current Human Resource Management (HRM) academic research on the topic: WORKPLACE BULLYING (2750 words) excluding executive summary. The assignment should identify key themes and issues and be structured accordingly on the recent research on your chosen topic. You should create your synopsis as a report, that is, you should include a cover page, index, headings and subheadings and clear Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion sections. You must include at least 15 relevant academic references (since the year 2008).

Rough structure/outline:

- Executive summary

- Introduction

- Definitions

- Forms of workplace bullying

- Causes of workplace bullying

- Consequences/impacts of workplace bullying

- Control/prevention of workplace bullying

- Conclusion

- References

Answered Same Day Apr 10, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Karan answered on Apr 12 2020
136 Votes
Abusive conduct or workplace bullying also threaten the employees and staffs to getting work done in the organisation. Workplace bullying is regarded as the form of violence that occurs in the corporate world. The most extreme form of bullying can take place in the form of physical injury or in some consequences death can occur. With the increasing activities of workplace bullies it has been stated that management must engage in taking preventive and controlling measures that support in enhancing the overall performance of the employees towards the organisation.
It has been further assessed that there are different causes associated with the workplace bullying in the organisation. However, working environment is one of the strong contributors to workplace bullying as compared with personality of the aggressor. It is not at all enough for the companies to identify the main cause of bullying but it is required to take co
ective actions for managing this type of situation in the best possible manner.
In the present scenario, workplace bullying is considered as one of the major toll on employee’s health and creating serious physical consequences to them. However, the workplace bullies often functions within the established organisation and society that leads to repeated health harming treatment and activities that results in attaining the situation of dispute and conflict in the organisation (Francioli et al. 2016). The overall report focuses on gaining the major understanding on workplace bullying as well as forms and causes of bullying in the workplace. For this 7 Eleven Company of Australia has been taken into the consideration as company has engaged in different unethical practices within the Human Resource Management functions. The report will also focuses on assessing different controlling and preventive measures that overcome the aspects of workplace bullying.
Workplace bullying is regarded as the form of mistreatment within the workplace from others whose unfavourable consequences are in the form of emotional and physical harm. It can involve large number of factors such as physical abuse, non ve
al, humiliation etc. Further, once bullying within the workplace is practiced then it has adverse impact on the performance of the employee and sometimes individual may prefer to leave the job (Woodrow & Guest, 2014).
Another definition of workplace bullying can be the act of conducting any behaviour that has direct impact on the health and safety. Any specific worker is mainly bullied if any unreasonable behaviour is ca
ied out that undertakes intimidating, victimising etc. The most common example of the bullying within the workplace involves unreasonable work demands, practical jokes, behaving aggressively, unreasonable work demand etc. Bullying can take place in different forms and it can harm the overall performance of the staff members present in the workplace (Nica, Hurjui & Ștefan, 2016).
Workplace bullying is regarded as the form of violence that occurs in the corporate world. The most extreme form of bullying can take place in the form of physical injury or in some consequences death can occur. It is regarded as the criminal act and it hampers the internal environment of the workplace. Mainly corporate bullies are engaged into psychological violence.
Workplace bullying can also be regarded as interpersonal hostility that is repeated, deliberate and sufficiently severe in order to harm the health or the economic status of the individual. Sometime the main cause of workplace bullying can be satisfying the personal need of the individual by harming other party. It is considered as a crime as harming other person or any other individual is not considered to be ethical and it is against law (Einarsen et al. 2016). So, these are some of the main definitions of workplace bullying that supports in understanding about this concept in the better manner.
There are different forms of workplace bullying in the organisation that overall impact the activities of staffs and workers. However, there are two types of bullying that occurs at the workplace that is indirect workplace bullying and direct workplace bullying. Under indirect workplace bullying workers or employers are engaged in making unjustifiable critism and comments on the practices of staff. In addition to this, it also includes deliberately exclude staffs and employees from the workplace that lead to build negative image in the mind of employees. Another example of indirect bullying is intentionally denying the employees to access the resources and information of the company (Ramely & Ahmad, 2017). On the other hand, another type of workplace bullying is direct bullying at the workplace where workers or staffs within the environment indulge in ve
al abuses that result in putting down and humiliating the staffs. Another form of direct workplace bullying is spreading rumours and gossips about someone in the internal environment. Through assessing the above different types of workplace bulling there are some common forms of workplace bullying are as follows-
· Sexual harassment- One of the common forms of workplace bullying is engaging in such activities that lead to nuisance or harassment such as unwanted touching to the female employees, commenting sexually explicit content or making such request to the employees that result in making staff uncomfortable (Salin, 2015). Through reviewing the working environment of 7 Eleven Company, Australia it has been stated that it focuses on considering the sexual orientation that results in enabling gender inequality within the workplace.
· Repeated remarks- Another form of workplace bullying include repeated remark by management that hurt and attack the employees. With the repeated remarks it lowers the morale and esteem of employees that negatively impact their working abilities in the organisation. Along with this, remarking the activities such as making fun of staff activities and practices is also considered as one of the major forms of workplace bullying that creates negative thoughts and feelings among the staffs.
· Exploitation- Another form of workplace bullying is exploitation it has been reviewed that worker of 7 Eleven Company was underpaid $13,962 during the year 2013-2014 which made penalty over the company. Thus, afterwards it is being identified that there are...

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