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QSO 680 Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Overview: A project management office (PMO) is designed to support project managers and project teams and can play a significant role in the...

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QSO 680 Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Ru

Overview: A project management office (PMO) is designed to support project managers and project teams and can play a significant role in the success rates of
projects. The PMO’s goals are to improve project success, standardize processes, encourage teams to follow consistent methodology, improve the management
of projects, and encourage effective communication. The PMO is a great resource for the project manager. Data suggest that when an organization has an
effective PMO, there is a reduction in project cycle time and a decrease in project failure rate.

Prompt: Write a short paper describing the PMO’s function in an organization where you are cu
ently employed or have been employed in the past. If you do
not have a PMO function in an organization you are familiar with, research an organization and respond to these questions based on your research.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Describe the function of the PMO.
 What does the PMO do well?
 How does it support the project management function?
 What does it do to enhance project management in your organization?
 What skill sets do the PMO team members have that sets them apart from project managers?

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and all sources cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Function Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission uses concrete
examples to support points
Describes the function of the
Describes the function of the
PMO but description lacks
Does not describe the function
of the PMO
PMO Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission uses concrete
examples to support points
Explains what the PMO does
Explains what the PMO does
well but explanation lacks
Does not explain what the PMO
does well
Support Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission uses concrete
examples to support points
Explains how the PMO supports
the project management
Explains how the PMO supports
the project management
function but explanation lacks
detail and/or logic
Does not explain how the PMO
supports the project
management function
Enhance Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission uses concrete
examples to support points
Explains how the PMO
enhances project management
in the organization
Explains how the PMO
enhances project management
in the organization but
explanation lacks detail and/or
Does not explain how the PMO
enhances project management
in the organization
Skill Sets Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission uses concrete
examples to support points
Describes the skill sets of PMO
team members that set them
apart from project managers
Describes the skill sets of PMO
team members that set them
apart from project managers
ut description lacks detail
Does not describe the skill sets
of PMO team members that set
them apart from project
Articulation of
Submission is free of e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
ead format
Submission has no major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
eadability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
Answered Same Day Feb 24, 2020


Soumi answered on Feb 25 2020
157 Votes
Running Head: FUNCTIONS OF A PMO        1
Table of Contents
Functions of PMO    3
Effective work done by PMO    3
Ways in which the PMO supports the project management function    3
PMO’s role in enhancing project management    4
Skills that differentiate PMO team members from project managers    5
References    6
Functions of PMO
According to the opinion of Kerzner and Kerzner (2017), a project management office (PMO) is a specified department that performs a number of function such as maintaining the project’s standard within the organization. In an organization, like Flour Australia Pty Ltd that is engaged in construction activities, project management office plays a very crucial role. It is responsible for implementation of the planned activities. It provides guidance to the project managers and helps in finding an optimum process that would yield better results for the organization. The PMO of Flour Australia Pty Ltd also gathers data from various sources to analyze the industry trend. It also tracks the overall status of the ongoing projects. This enables the organization. PMO also performs the function of portfolio management. It manages resources for the organization. It forecasts a resource capacity plan that enables the firm in optimally utilizing its resources.
Effective work done by PMO
The PMO of Flour Australia Pty Ltd has been highly effective until now. The ongoing projects of the organization seem to be highly profitable. It is because of the efforts of PMO team members that such fruitful projects have been gra
ed by the organization. As per the opinion of Daniel, Pasquire, Dickens and Ballard (2017), PMO also develops an effective process for the organization that helps in optimum utilization of resources. The projects assessment of the PMO has helped the organization...

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