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Write a report on the sexual or reproductive health inequalities for a specific population group. Choose a population group with sexual and/ or reproductive health inequalities from the following...

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Write a report on the sexual or reproductive health inequalities for a specific population group.

Choose a population group with sexual and/ or reproductive health inequalities from the following options:

· Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders;

· gay/lesbian /bisexual women in Australia;

· female sex workers;

· male prisoners;

· transgender people.

Please focus on analysis, interpretation and developing recommendations, rather than writing a purely descriptive paper.

In this assignment you are expected to:

· Identify the population group you have selected and briefly provide some background on the demographics of the group;

· Analyse and interpret current monitoring, surveillance and health research data related to sexual or reproductive health and highlight where there are inequalities

· Reference the evidence of the health status and needs of the group to Identify the determinants of sexual or reproductive health experienced by the group (you may need to look at the male/female/transgender people within the group, or break it down by age or location/remoteness category) and analyze who, within the sub population,is likely to experience the greatest level of health inequality

· Describethe social, cultural and political factors that place this group at risk of sexual and reproductive health inequality andoutline the factors that may act as a barrier to accessing health care for the group you have chosen

· Identify specific risk and protective factors

· End the report with evidence-based recommendations for reducing the health inequality experienced by this group

The text has relevant chapters and is a good starting point for this assignment: Temple-Smith, M., & Gifford, S. (Eds.).(2014)Sexual Health: an Australian perspective. East Hawthorn: IP Communications.

Also see the national and state specific sexual health strategies for ideas.


Report format, with headings and sub headings

Answered Same Day Aug 12, 2021


Sunabh answered on Aug 19 2021
125 Votes
Running Head: Reproductive Health Inequalities    1
Reproductive Health Inequalities        12
Reproductive Health Inequalities
Introduction    3
Demographics of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islanders    3
Analysing and Interpreting Identified Areas with Reproductive Health Inequalities    4
Determinants of Reproductive Health for Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islanders    5
Social, Cultural and Political Factors Affecting Reproductive Health of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islanders    6
Specific Risks, Protective Factors and Ba
ier in Accessing Health Care Facilities    8
Recommendations for Reducing Health Inequalities    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
Health inequalities in a community feed on each other leading to widened gap between groups that are thriving and others that are not. Reproductive health inequalities can be considered as an intersection of racial, social, institutional and political factors, which can threaten sustainability and global progress. This report would focus upon ‘Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander’ community and efforts would be made to identify, analyse and interpret areas with reproductive health inequalities for these communities. Likewise, this paper would also discuss determinants of reproductive health for chosen communities. Emphasis of this report would be upon identification of social, cultural and political factors acting as ba
iers for these communities while accessing health care facilities. This report would conclude with some evidence-based recommendations, which could be implied in order to reduce the identified reproductive health inequalities experienced by Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities living with in Australia.
Demographics of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islanders
Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities also known as indigenous communities of Australia, were among the first human communities that colonized Australian land. It would be essential to understand that these communities came out of Africa about 70,000 years ago. According to the data presented by Australian Institute of health and Welfare, (2019) more than 798,365 individuals were identified as Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people in 2016; thus, representing around 3.3% of the total Australian population.
ently, these native communities are found to be distributed far away from modern cities because they prefer to live in u
an and regional areas. This is majorly because Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islanders are sensitive and protective towards their culture and culture is considered as the central wellbeing of these communities. Further, these communities possess special attachment or ‘spiritual bond’ with their lands and are highly protective of it. Moreover, these communities possess high levels of traditional knowledge as well as represent authentic Australian tradition; therefore, they play a major role in maintaining and passing on the cultural knowledge and practices (Australian Medical Association, 2014).
Despite of being the oldest Australian communities or civilizations, Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people are considered as backward population of Australia. This is majorly because historical incidents, where these communities were forced to give up their land and move to remote areas, disconnected them from the modern world. As a result, lifestyle and standard of living among these communities is very low compared to any non-indigenous Australian.
Further, more than 46% of indigenous people have been reported to suffer from at least one chronic condition between 2018-2019 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2020). Likewise, percentage of indigenous population with respiratory disorders is much higher than non-indigenous population. 17% of indigenous population have been reported to suffer from anxiety and 13% faces depression. Increased and prominent health issues among these communities are a resultant from poor financial conditions, homelessness, lack of education and higher unemployment rate. More than 46% of these individuals have been reported to be unemployed in 2014-2015 and unemployment is facilitated by higher illiteracy rate, which was reported to be 45-55% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016).
Analysing and Interpreting Identified Areas with Reproductive Health Inequalities
According to Australian Medical Association (AMA), mere absence of a disease or illness does not justify reproductive health rather; reproductive health refers to a state of mental, physical as well as social wellbeing. Further, it would be essential to understand that there exist significant disparities with respect to sexual and reproductive health and Australia is no exception. Aboriginal people and To
es Strait Islanders communities are at a higher risk or increased risk of poor sexual and reproductive health along with LGBTQ community, sex workers, immigrants and refugees (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, AIHW 2019).
    According to the report presented by AMA, (2014) Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities are at a higher risk of being infected with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and most common STIs are gono
hoea, syphilis, chlamydia and hepatitis B. Further, the mortality rate due to cervical cancer among women from these communities is reported to be five times higher than that of non-indigenous women. Likewise, birth rate among teenage Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander women is reported to be five times than all teenage women in Australia. There exists disparities...

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