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Write a report on relevant policy frameworks and plans in external environment of Local Health District (LHD) of Western NSW (New South Wales).

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Write a report on relevant policy frameworks and plans in external environment of Local Health District (LHD) of Western NSW (New South Wales).
Answered Same Day Aug 15, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Aug 17 2020
159 Votes
Running Head: Policy Frameworks of LSD of Western NSW
Policy Frameworks of LSD of Western NSW        2
Policy Frameworks in External Environment of Local Health District of Western NSW
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Policy Frameworks in External Environment of LSD of Western NSW
In Western New South Wales LHD, more than 70% people die annually due to chronic illness from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and respiratory problems (Commonwealth of Australia, 2016). Therefore, the Western NSW LSD Plan aims to facilitate early detection and prevention of disease, improving the fast access to health services, and minimizing the gap between aboriginal and normal population in the district.
The framework supports patient centered care, cost effectiveness and quality in delivering care. The National Safety & Quality Health Standards -2012, offer safe and quality healthcare services through a number of health services. The Patient Reported Outcome Measures are used as trusted means to collect...

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