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Write a modular python program for a Hotel at a vacation place to handle the guests charges as the person handling checkout makes their bill. There should be four functions to the program. Main should...

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Write a modular python program for a Hotel at a vacation place to handle the guests charges as the person handling checkout makes their bill. There should be four functions to the program. Main should call the Welcome Function, ask the user for the number of days the person stayed in the hotel with the NumberOfDays function, call the Checkout Function to get the amount of the bill, and the PrintBill function to add tax and print the final bill.

The Welcome Function should print a welcome message to the user with the name of your hotel.

The NumberOfDays function should ask how many days the guest stayed at your hotel, and it should return this number. Use validation to make numbers below one to be one, as the guest is going to stay at least one day.

The Checkout Function should take the number of days the guest is staying as a parameter. It should ask the daily rate and then have a Loop that goes to the number of days that were entered. For each day it add the daily rate and ask for additional charges (like attending a hotel party, have room service, or some other special added charge) and also add them to a total. The checkout function should return the total after the loop is done.

The PrintBill function should take the bill amount as a parameter and add the tax (7% of bill amount) and print the bill amount, tax and bill total for the user.

Answered 2 days After Dec 06, 2022


Priye answered on Dec 08 2022
41 Votes

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