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Write a 4-6 page paper, not including title page, abstract, and references, describing personal beliefs about the purpose, roles, benefits and biases, and dangers of diagnosis. describe any ethical...

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Write a 4-6 page paper, not including title page, abstract, and references,

describing personal beliefs about the purpose, roles, benefits and biases, and dangers of diagnosis.

describe any ethical issues that may arise when diagnosing clients. Describe how you believe the client’s developmental level may impact diagnosis.

describe your thoughts/concerns regarding conducting risk assessments

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Taruna answered on Jun 01 2021
157 Votes
    Diagnosis and counseling and two major disciplines within the clinical support provided to the patients. In fact, the process of diagnosis is more like an identification that initiates with understanding of the issues happening at psychological level of individuals. No always, these issues pertain to the symptom observation theory; in some cases, the occu
ence of symptoms does not fully address the origination of the problem in the behavior of the individuals. Therefore; the process of diagnosis is at times ethically challenging. It makes confrontations with the personal beliefs of the expert as well as it impedes the progress of counseling sessions. Sometimes, it has been recognized as cognitive bias, a process in which the receiving and processing of information has some constructive e
or which does not provide positive judgment. However, ethical implications of diagnosis can be identified and resolved by analyzing fully the conditions and behavioral outcomes of the individuals before initiating counseling.
Personal Belief and Ethics of Diagnosis
    At first, it is significant to note here that personal beliefs are primary determinants to apply knowledge and experience into practice of diagnosis. This is the first standpoint from where, clinical learning is initiated. For example, it is implied in the Biblical references that the service of humankind is one of the best services ever done to God. Since the very childhood period, individuals following Christianity learn about the ethics or serving the community and by becoming the experts in clinical line, the same is achieved effectively. No other time than the cu
ent one would interpret this concept better; the world is going through the pandemic out
eak of Covid-19 and it is the doctors that are perceived as the first line of defense. Across globe, doctors and other medical experts are putting their lives at stake by getting close in contact with the patients of Covid-19. However, the danger to life does not
eak their morale of service.
    Similarly, when it comes to the practical grounds of diagnosis, there remains no place for personal biases. The diagnosis is a process from where; the clinical assistance begins by the identification and formal recognition of the issue with the client. Therefore; in the service provided to the individuals as experts,...

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