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Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best balance rights and freedoms with vigilance and sufficient authority to protect...

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Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best balance rights and freedoms with vigilance and sufficient authority to protect the citizens in a free society, while respecting constitutional guarantees concerning individual rights.

Pay particular attention to balance as a concept that serves as a guiding principle in administrative decisions for justice and security operations.

· Review the cumulative issues concerning the legal environment in which justice and security administration operates.

· Evaluate the changes in technology and mass communication with the effects these have on the justice and security areas.

· Evaluate the issues involved with individual rights versus the needs of the justice system and security to maintain order and public safety.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Answered Same Day Dec 21, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 21 2021
118 Votes
How the evolution of justice and security over
the 21st century may best balance rights and
freedoms with vigilance and sufficient authority
to protect the citizens in a free society, while
especting constitutional guarantees concerning
individual rights.

Student Name
November, 2012
Almost in every fifty years world faces a revolutionary change provoked by
technological, sociological and other external factors. so many factors now creating new
security conditions these security condition changing new security threats. from the last few
decades people complained a lot of injustice. criminal injustice system has increased a lot which
is directly increasing injustice in 21 century. people are facing violation of their human rights,
they are facing criminal activities in society. which is the violation of their social right. it is the
esponsibility of the government to protect social rights of their citizens. it's being very difficult
for the country and their administrator to mange citizens right as well as offenders right.
offenders ar now allowed to live freely in country and also they are not to enjoy equal right. Law
that “the exercise of all public power must find its ultimate source in a legal rule.”: Provincial
Judges Reference [1997]
In the 21st century security and Justice have evolved very much. the main reason behind
this is new laws and latest technologies they allow nations to promote justice and develop new
ways of punishment. to create balance these evolution has adding more and more rights in the
constitution. to grant proper security and justice is the main purpose of constitution. there are so
any areas in which there are various issues which concern legal environment in which
constitution and justice prevail. examples: mutual understanding, fairness, authority and several
etributive measures. there are some basic rights of citizens
 Right to justice
 Right to equality
 Right to freedom of speech
 Right to expression
 Right to peaceful assembly
 Right of freedom to practice religion
Liberty is the first thing which commands our attention . precondition to liberty is human
security in the law. liberty should be in the limit, because if liberty would be weighted, it can
destroy liberty. free societies faces minimum security to the citizen and feel lot of pain. liberty
can give the strength to the nation. liberty is useful for the citizen as well as country. liberty to
speak, liberty to move, liberty to enjoy citizenship.
To balance in the criminal justice government needs to focus in advantages and
disvantages of bill of rights and constitution. to maintain individual right is the base of criminal
justice. the most important thing is the government is bound by the law and constitution to
protect individuals rights. the government is bound to protect, preserve and defend the
individuals right. Balance the right to life, security and liberty of a person in terms of assembly,
expression, association. some issues are also there that is related with peoples right and properly
maintain safety and order. mass media and technologies helped a lot to
ing security and justice
in the country....

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