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BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT: COURSEWORK WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT BUSINESS REPORT Student ID: Type Student ID here Word count: Type word count here The word limit is 2500 words, not including the table of contents,...

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    Student ID:
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    Word count:
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The word limit is 2500 words, not including the table of contents, tables, diagrams, reference list, and appendices.
    Assignment deadline:
    Tuesday 14th December 2021 at 14:00
    Module Leader:
    Josh Jimenez
    Academic year:
1.1. Executive Summary (250 words)
An executive summary should summarise the contents of the report. It should not simply take the form of a general introduction. It is ideally compiled after you have completed your report. Present the major points in the same order they are written in the report. It should contain all essential elements of the main report, including findings, and one recommendation for both innovation and business ethics/corporate social responsibility.
Table of Contents
1.1.    Executive Summary (250 words)    2
List of Figures    3
List of Tables    3
1.2.    Assess the impact of innovation on modern business organisations (550 words)    4
1.3.    Research, analysis, and application of innovation to [Insert your chosen company here] (450 words)    5
1.4.    Assess the impact of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on modern business organisations (550 words)    5
1.5.    Research, analysis, and application of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to [Insert your chosen company here] (450 words)    6
1.6.    Recommendations (250 words)    7
1.7.    References    7
1.8.    Appendix    7
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.2. Assess the impact of innovation on modern business organisations (550 words)
· Here you should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business organisations and business concepts.
· Do not focus on your selected company but write about business organisations in general.
· Use the lectures, module textbook chapter topics, and your own independent research to clearly discuss and explain the use and importance of innovation in business organisations.
· Outline and discuss how innovation is key to increased productivity, market share, profitability and, therefore, organisational competitive advantage.
· Innovation may be discussed from an environmental, organisational and/or strategic perspective, providing practical examples of how innovation contributes to the economic success of business organisations and is used as a source of competitive advantage.
· DO NOT discuss your chosen company here, as you will do this in the next section of the report. You may discuss any of the following:
Organisational interaction with environmental aspects of innovation:
· The role of the economy, linking innovation with economic and financial growth, and organisational survival.
· Innovation and R&D expenditure, and performance.
Organisational aspects of innovation:
· Innovation and organisational size, goals, structure, and culture.
· How an organisation can make effective use of innovation.
· Product, process, organisation and management innovation, and the scope of innovation (incremental, radical and paradigm shift).
Strategic aspects of innovation:
· Innovation and management strategies.
· Types of strategy (first to the market, first mover advantage, follower strategies, follower advantages)
· Constraints to effective innovation strategy.
1.3. Research, analysis, and application of innovation to [Insert your chosen company here] (450 words)
· Innovation is linked to increased productivity, market share and profitability. In this section, research and critically assess your chosen company’s innovation strategy.
· With real-world company data and examples, assess the extent to which innovation contributes to the company’s competitive advantage and success.
· For example, you may analyse and evaluate the company’s innovation strategy by applying the types of innovation strategies discussed above to the company you have chosen.
· In this section, DO NOT engage in lengthy definitions/explanations of the theories and vague, speculative statements. Instead, apply them critically to your chosen company, backed up by real-world company data and examples.
1.4. Assess the impact of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on modern business organisations (550 words)
· Here you should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business organisations and business concepts.
· Do not focus on your selected company but write about business organisations in general.
· Use the lectures, module textbook chapter topics, and your own independent research to clearly discuss and explain the use and importance of business ethics, corporate governance, and CSR in business organisations.
· Outline and discuss the business arguments that socially responsible businesses are successful and profitable businesses, outlining the choice of strategies and practices available to organisations to operate in a socially responsible way.
· This may be discussed from an environmental, organisational, and/or strategic perspective, providing practical examples of how business ethics/CSR contribute to the economic success of business organisations and are used as a source of competitive advantage.
· DO NOT discuss your chosen company here, as you will do this in the next section of the report. You may discuss any of the following:
Organisational interaction with environmental aspects of business ethics/CSR:
· Define business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance.
· Discuss different stakeholders and explain stakeholder theory.
· Government influence, ethical consumers, and investors.
Organisational aspects of business ethics/CSR:
· Discuss the issues concerned with ethics/CSR and how they affect different business activities and functions.
· Different areas of activity in ethics/CSR, and the mechanism for ethical business to be socially responsible.
Strategic aspects of business ethics/CSR:
· The moral argument for businesses to be socially responsible.
· The business argument for businesses to be socially responsible.
· The strategic argument for businesses to be socially responsible.
· The extent to which ethical business is profitable business.
1.5. Research, analysis, and application of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to [Insert your chosen company here] (450 words)
· Research and critically assess your chosen company’s business ethics/CSR strategy. With real-world company data and examples, assess the extent to which it contributes to the company’s competitive advantage and success.
· For example, you may analyse and evaluate the company’s business ethics/CSR strategy by applying Stakeholder theory and/or Ca
oll’s pyramid of corporate social responsibility.
· DO NOT engage in lengthy definitions/explanations of the theories and vague, speculative statements. Instead, apply them critically to your chosen company, backed up by real-world company data and examples.
1.6. Recommendations (250 words)
Provide one recommendation for innovation and one recommendation for business ethics/CSR for your chosen company.
1.7. References
Insert Harvard references here.
List in alphabetic order by author’s surname
1.8. Appendix
Answered 9 days After Nov 30, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Dec 01 2021
135 Votes
    Student ID:
    Type Student ID here
    Word count:
    Type word count here
The word limit is 2500 words, not including the table of contents, tables, diagrams, reference list, and appendices.
    Assignment deadline:
    Tuesday 14th December 2021 at 14:00
    Module Leader:
    Josh Jimenez
    Academic year:
1.1. Executive Summary (250 words)
This article analyzes the impacts of advancement on cu
ent organizations, just as the impacts of business morals and corporate social obligation on present day organizations. The examination starts by looking at the impacts of advancement on cu
ent corporate associations. It obviously expresses that organizations and organizations who stand apart as pioneers all make them thing in like manner: they have all accepted innovation; development is a basic part for business achievement and offering a strategic advantage to an organization. Different benefits of the development incorporate upgraded efficiency, lower creation costs, higher turnover, and higher productivity. The firm Ocado Group plc was used as a contextual investigation in this examination, and the report demonstrates that it has radically coordinated innovation into its framework in this part.
The Ocado Group has an Ocado advancement stage present in the company that guides in the bundling of its items in an all the more ideal and successful way. Man-made reasoning and AI are additionally utilized in the Ocado group distribution centers. As far as business morals, the article expresses that moral tasks are fundamental for an organization's powerful development and maintainability. Corporate social obligation, which alludes to an organization's obligation to participate in socially mindful practices, was likewise referenced in the segment on business morals. Ocado group plc has a refined corporate social obligation strategy named Ocado boundless, as indicated by the article. At last, the report tends to two advancements and business morals suggestions: accepting social trade and fusing good cause endeavors inside Ocado limitless.
Table of Contents
1.1.    Executive Summary (250 words)    2
1.2.    Assess the impact of innovation on modern business organisations (550 words)    5
Fig. 1. Source: Ocado Group plc Annual Report and Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29 November 2020    5
1.3.    Research, analysis, and application of innovation to Ocado Group PLC (450 words)    6
1.4.    Assess the impact of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on modern business organisations (550 words)    8
Fig. 2. Source: Ocado Group plc Annual Report and Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29 November 2020    8
1.5.    Research, analysis, and application of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to Ocado Group PLC (450 words)    10
Fig. 3. Source: Annual Report and Accounts Ocado Group plc    10
1.6.    Recommendations (250 words)    11
1.7.    References    13
1.8 Appendices    14
1.2. Assess the impact of innovation on modern business organisations (550 words)
Individual items, inside tasks, and business firms are often the focal point of various organizations' innovation endeavors. In an always changing business environment, business associations, then again, em
ace every one of the three inventive strategies to help lead improvement and maintainability. Thus, for each business association or firm to accomplish upper hand, innovation is an indispensable variable. Feature, in any case, that innovation requires the joint effort of different partners and entertainers. It additionally requires the powerful combination of an assortment of exercises identifying with exceptional capacities, information spaces, and application climate. Be that as it may, presenting new innovation is full of challenges, which much of the time
ing about changes in administration styles and practices just as new authoritative designs (Bierganz, 2021). Thus, business innovation is a prerequisite for effective asset and new innovation use.
Fig. 1. Source: Ocado Group plc Annual Report and Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29 November 2020
Business associations em
ace for an assortment of reasons, including the longing to: i. Improve or supplant business cycles to help the proficiency and usefulness of the association, or to grow the reach and nature of existing labor and products of the business or firm. ii. Make totally new or updated items and administrations to satisfy the steadily changing necessities and wants of clients. iii. Increment the worth of cu
ent items and administrations to acquire an upper hand. It is actually quite significant that novel thoughts can rise out of an assortment of spots. There are two sorts of wellsprings of innovative thoughts: inside sources and outside sources (Mardani et al., 2018). Thoughts from normal laborers, directors, or in-house research em
aced by the association's exploration office are instances of inside sources. Providers, clients, statistical surveying attempted by colleges and different associations, and media inclusion are instances of outside sources.
Furthermore, organizations that em
ace innovation get the advantages in the accompanying ways. In any case, innovation helps an organization's or alternately association's usefulness by permitting exercises to be completed rapidly and productively (Bierganz, 2021). Second, innovation
ings down assembling costs by permitting the organization to fa
icate more things quicker than expected with less assets. Subsequently, it aids the a
angement of new joint efforts and connections,
inging about the launch of new business sectors. Moreover, for various corporate associations, innovation prompts higher turnover and benefit. Accordingly, it prompts higher monetary development in corporate associations and further develops the association's drawn-out practicality. As will be investigated later, there are a few ways to successful innovation. Since you can't attempt innovation in a vacuum, the initial move toward compelling innovation is to dissect the commercial center where your organization works (Fe
ell et al., 2019). To find the opportunities for innovation in the items and administrations your firm a
angements with, you should do a ton of study on them.
The subsequent stage is distinguishing potential for innovation in the functional area. This may include...

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