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Word Limit: 900 words (Plus or minus 10%) Learning outcomes assessed:  Produce elements of a cohesive and coherent researched essay  Listen to an academic lecture whilst taking coherent notes ...

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Word Limit: 900 words (Plus or minus 10%)
Learning outcomes assessed:  Produce elements of a cohesive and coherent researched essay  Listen to an academic lecture whilst taking coherent notes  Read, compare and summarise a number of written academic texts.
This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.
EAPB3017 English for Academic Purposes 2 Spring 2018 Coursework Brief
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Coursework Instructions Please read carefully
• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors.
Academic Misconduct You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must: • Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person. • Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.
EAPB3017 English for Academic Purposes 2 Spring 2018 Coursework Brief
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Portfolio (100% of grade)
What is the English for Academic Purposes 2 Portfolio?
 English for Academic Purposes 2 is a core module designed to equip you with the necessary skills to succeed in your degree programme. Over 10 weeks, you are required to complete a range of related tasks to the production of an argumentative essay and demonstrate effective note-taking skills.
 Certain tasks will be drafted in tutorials and completed outside of class. In some tasks, you will be working in groups and you will also be required to exchange feedback with your classmates about written or oral work.
 Tasks will sometimes initially be completed in hard copy but all tasks must be submitted electronically within the English for Academic Purposes 2 Portfolio, which can be downloaded from GSM Learn.
Week Table of Contents Page Learning Outcome
1 Where are you now? 2 LO 1, 2 & 3
1 & 10 Personal Development Plan 3 LO 1, 2 & 3
2 – 9 Organising your ideas 4 LO 1 & 3
6 Making notes with confidence 6 LO 2
3 – 8 Developing your arguments 8 LO 1, 2 & 3
6 – 9 Writing your argumentative essay (900 words) 10 LO 1 & 3
10 Getting a First! 11 LO 1 & 3
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Portfolio Section 1: Argumentative essay explained
What am I writing about?
o This task requires you to write a 900-word argumentative essay on the topic below:
The NHS should be privatised. Discuss.
o Following the PESTLE Framework, focus on the Economic and Social aspects to develop your arguments in favour of and against this topic.
What is the structure of an argumentative essay?
o Introduction (150 words) [use evidence/research throughout]  What is your question about? (give the background to your topic)  Include some detail on the topic (narrow your focus; what exactly are you focusing on? Who are the key ideas/ people involved/ organisations etc.?)  What is your opinion of this topic? (this is your thesis statement)  How are you going to structure your arguments? (this is the overview of your main arguments)
o Body paragraph 1 – Economic (300 words) [use evidence/research throughout]  Say why this is a key issue.  What is the counter-argument of this issue? (this is the opinion you do not agree with)  What is the main argument of this issue? (this is your opinion) o Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument? o What evidence/examples do you have to support this?  What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?
o Body paragraph 2 – Social (300 words) [use evidence/research throughout]  Say why this is a key issue.  What is the counter-argument of this issue? (this is the opinion you do not agree with)  What is the main argument of this issue? (this is your opinion) o Why is your argument stronger than the counter-argument? o What evidence/examples do you have to support this?  What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?
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o Conclusion (150 words) [refer back to key evidence/research]  Give a summary of your key points from your body paragraphs.  Include a summary of your key conclusions from your body paragraphs. (this is the justification of your opinion)  What would you recommend needs to happen now?
o Reference list (word count is not applicable)  Include a full reference for all the sources you have cited in your text.
How do I find information?
Below is a suggested reading list to help you get started. You should choose some sources from the list but you are also encouraged to find 2 sources from your own research. You are required to include at least 4 sources in total.
 Useful general websites to explore: Davis, K., Stemikis, K., Squires, D. & Schoen, C XXXXXXXXXXMirror, mirror on the wall: how the performance of the U.S. health care system compares internationally. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
An important study which is widely referred to by other sources. Includes important economic and social data.
NHS XXXXXXXXXXNHS England: Health and high quality care for all, now and for future generations. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
The publications and statistics tabs have links to some useful and interesting information.
Nuffield Trust XXXXXXXXXXNuffield Trust: Evidence for better health care. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
This is a huge site with a lot of up to date research on the NHS. Look at the Data and Charts tab for lots of useful economic data.
 Resources that argue against privatisation Johnstone, I. (2016). ‘Creeping privatisation of healthcare is damaging the NHS, study finds’. Independent, 28th July. Available at:
EAPB3017 English for Academic Purposes 2 Spring 2018 Coursework Brief
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health-service-healthcare-privatisation-a XXXXXXXXXXhtml (Accessed 22 January 2018).
Pollock, A XXXXXXXXXXPrivatisation of the NHS. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
 Resource that argues for part privatisation of the NHS Haldenby, A XXXXXXXXXXDelivering the 2015 spending review objective of successful NHS partnerships with the private sector. Reform. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
 A Resource that looks at and compares different health care systems (nationalised, part-privatised and privatised) HSPM (n.d) European Observatory: The Health Systems and Policy Monitor. Available at: (Accessed 22 January 2018).
It is a collection of student work that shows evidence of learning and progress in one or more areas. This collection “represents a personal investment on behalf of the student that is evident through the student’s participation in the selection of the contents….and self-reflection” (Gisselle and Martin-Kniep, 2000).
Learning outcome
Learning outcomes are goals that describe how a student will be different because of a learning experience (Suskie, 2009).
Investigate or examine by argument; debate; give reason for and against; examine the implications of the topic.
End of Assignment Brief
EAPB3017 English for Academic Purposes 2 Spring 2018 Coursework
Answered Same Day Mar 22, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Mar 26 2020
161 Votes
The last decade has seen that privatization is taking over the health care. Privatization is basically used as a plan to decrease the burden over the public sector. Many countries follow mixed health care structure with both public and private sector stakes in health care. This has made privatization a significant issue in health care planning and developing a course of action. When privatization enters into the healthcare industry, the chase for money begins which in turn increases the costs, quality of health care decreases which directly affects the low-income group who solely rely on public healthcare options. Here I am against the motion that NHS should be privatized. This discussion is based on privatization of NHS or not, several studies have been pointed out and references are studied to create an argumentative discussion.
NHS and its non-privatization
The NHS has vast amount of public support, thus for government making it a private entity will be like committing a political suicide. A research has proved that the control the best doctors are already in the hands of private sector. The finest doctors work in the private sector for better remuneration, good incentives and better working environment. Privatization clearly
oadens the gap between wealthy and underprivileged sectors of the society, differentiating.
Providing the doctors and board members purchasing power in order to improve standards and compete with other health service providers in the market, fund-holding practices have been introduced into the NHS by the Conservatives, this is one another benefit of privatizing NHS. The funding is a crucial part of NHS privatization, the privatization promotes the environment of competition, thus this leads to the improvement of resources and service quality, with these, the companies compete for the business(, 2016).
Thus increase in the funding and privatizing the NHS can raise the standards and quality of treatment which patients will receive. The health care...

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