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Word equivalent: 1600 Critical reflection is an important requirement of early childhood educators. Even though this is the last assessment task for this course you could start with this journal in...

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Word equivalent: 1600

Critical reflection is an important requirement of early childhood educators. Even though this is the last assessment task for this course you could start with this journal in the first week of the course and aim to make an entry at the end of each week. In this reflective journal, you will reflect on pedagogical practices you have been studying that underpin learning for children.

Critical reflection is a common practice in early childhood profession to help educators improve, change or re-examine current practice, perspectives, thinking and skills. Critical reflection means regularly identifying and exploring our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences and then deciding about how they fit in with the ideas, concepts, and theories that you are aware of, learning more about what others have been discussing and sharing.

In this reflective journal, explore not only your own thoughts, events and experiences that have occurred, but also examine them from different perspectives and consider whether this might in fact change your approach or own perspective. You may find it helpful to use a reflective framework such as the ‘So What? Model or the DATA model outlined in the O’Connor and Diggins readings. Meaningful reflection will allow for consistent evaluation of your actions and approaches to early learning and an early childhood educator role.

You will end up with more but for the final assessment submission choose, submit two (each approximately 800 words) journal entries/reflections that best represent your reflective practice.

A minimum of four scholarly references must be used to inform the Reflective Journal. References List is not counted in the word count.

Assessment Criteria

  • An ongoing reflection on your practice in relation to children’s learning is demonstrated and well-articulated;
  • Important questions concerned with actions or environment or activities – and why you would choose to do those things the way you would and how theories and perspectives might have informed your approach, are posed and discussed; and
  • Scholarly conventions are employed throughout, including referencing APA and accuracy of grammar, and spelling.

Read this article, for a good overview:Critical_Reflection_-_Gowrie_Article.pdf

Check out this presentation and the recommended book:

Here is one of the chapters from O'Connor & Diggins book: XXXXXXXXXX(Make sure you are logged in RMIT library)

There are different models you can use for reflecting. As in your practice as an early childhood educator, different approaches suit different people. Here are some models to consider:

Listen to the audio recording of this chapter which offers some ways of how to keep a journal; for this assignment, you do not need to follow suggested model, it is useful to consider for your reflective practice, in general.

Answered Same Day May 26, 2021 RMIT University


Taruna answered on May 27 2021
140 Votes
Reflective Journal One
    Early childhood educators ca
y out the responsibility of integrating teaching with learning. It is one of the major frameworks that adhere to the cu
ent norms of Australian educational system (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012). In the first reflective practice, I could observe the concept that gradual shift of integrated learning from observation occurs in the first eight years of any child. In fact, learning is crucial in this early phase and it requires playful activities to integrate so that mental, physical and social growth of children can be ensured. Throughout the course, I learnt about the basic techniques that I would apply in the future to determine my role as the educator of primary education. In fact, play constitutes the major part of integrated learning and teaching. Play is centralized form of engaging full attention of the children while they are associated with learning environment creation on their own. Playful activities allow them to be themselves at first and then, they learn about coordination, team management as well as about the importance of the course syllabus that they tend to teach (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012).
    In the context of determining the course of education, I would rather prefer adjusting my style of educating to be more focused on this integration of learning through teaching by engaging children in the playful activities. An example of the same can be given as teaching students about road safety in the adult-led learning during group time (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012). It is prefe
ed that the displaying of topic through interactive picture is the first point form where, children’s learning can be structured comprehensively about how to ensure road safety. An ideal educator would plan classes according to the topic of road safety and the content that he or she will have to instruct children perfectly (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace, 2010). The educator would take up the responsibility to show pictures to the class about safety rules. The children will become more like independent thinkers by observing the pictures shown to them. The educator will explain in detail, after the pictures are displayed to them, about how they can ensure their safety on road (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012).
    Additionally, in any process of integrated learning through teaching, final assessment plays vital role. It is the evaluation of the course learning objectives whether they are fully achieved or not (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012). To make sure that the class has gained insightful knowledge about road safety, an activity can be conducted which will be identical to the live demonstration of the road safety manuals. Thus, through following certain steps, the goals of learning can be achieved, if they are set to be perfect and the steps are followed well (Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012).
    In the same way, child led learning is also a part of this integration concept. The children can be allowed to learn through investigations, experiments, theoretical observations and by their own creative skills. It also permeates the possibility of including play into learning (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace, 2010). Mostly, the child led learning strategy is useful in achieving goals of science teaching. For example, it is preferable to me now to...

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