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Within a firm, there is an overall culture – normal types of dress, behavior, punctuality, (in)formality, taboos – but there are also sub-cultures among each group. Functional departments (accounting,...

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Within a firm, there is an overall culture – normal types of dress, behavior, punctuality, (in)formality, taboos – but there are also sub-cultures among each group. Functional departments (accounting, marketing, operations, logistics, etc.) and even cross-functional teams (Team A launching a new soft drink brand or Team B founding a new subsidiary company) each carry their own group norms.

After reading Chapter 3,please answer the following questions. Support your argument with information from Chapter 1 and any outside sources you find relevant (if applicable). Be sure to cite both the textbook and any outside sources (if used). Your initial discussion should be aminimum of 450 words.

  • Think about a team, group project, or department you have been a part of. Explain some of the normal standards of behavior and ethics for that specific group.
  • How did the group norms/standards align and contrast with the norms/standards of the organization as a whole?
  • How did the group norms/standards align and contrast with your personal standards and ethics?
Answered Same Day Jul 12, 2021


Saloni answered on Jul 13 2021
134 Votes
Workplace ethics are the set of values, moral principle and standards that need to be followed by both employers and employee in a workplace. It is set of rules and regulations that need to be followed by all the staff of the workplace. Workplace ethics improves company’s reputation and ensures long term success. Normal standard of behavior and ethics at workplace are mentioned below-
· Organizational Skills- planning and strategizing goals, collaboration with team members, conflict management, consistently meeting deadlines. Critical thinking and problem solving.
· Teamwork - effective communication, delegation of work according to strength and weakness of each, acknowledging every team members’ idea and support.
· Attendance- Monthly attendance. Come and leaves to work on time and inform the superior in advance about planned leaves.
· Respect- Face tasks with different technique, is empathetic ,unbiased and tolerant.
· Attitude - Appears confident and shows positive attitude.
· Communication- Good listening skills ; Proper ve
al and non ve
al skills
· Cooperation- maintain good relationship with coworkers, show leadership skills, properly handles criticism, conflicts and stress.
· Appearance- individual’s appearance, grooming, smell, cleanliness, emails and mannerisms.
· Character- Display faithfulness, fidelity, honesty, reliability, initiative and self restraint.
· Productivity - equip team with right tools, improve employee skills and improve cultural fit with better recruiting.
· Accountability- An employee should be accountable for good work as well any wrong work done by the employee.
· Uphold...

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