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ALR733 Advertising Theory and Practice P a g e 1 | 2 Assignment 1 Due Date: Sunday April 15, XXXXXXXXXX:59pm) Word Count: 2,500 Weight: 50% Essay question: Why is moral myopia and advertising strategy...

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ALR733 Advertising Theory and Practice
P a g e 1 | 2
Assignment 1
Due Date: Sunday April 15, XXXXXXXXXX:59pm)
Word Count: 2,500
Weight: 50%

Essay question: Why is moral myopia and advertising strategy a potentially harmful combination?
Write an essay to address the ways in which poor ethical decision-making in advertising strategy
development may cause harm to customers, society, the economy and potentially the
and. Draw
on the readings you have encountered in the first five weeks but you are expected to conduct your
own research (please see the assessment criteria published in the unit guide).
This is a
oad essay question and you have a lot of freedom in terms of how you structure your
arguments and the position you take.
Instructions: Before starting work on your essay, complete the following activities that will provide
examples you can use in your essay.
1. Conduct a review one of the following cases
ought before the courts by the ACCC in recent
ï‚· Dulux Group products: InfraCOOL and Weathershield Heat Reflect
ï‚· H.J. Heinz Company Australia Ltd (Heinz) product: Little Kids Shredz range.

2. Read through the 2018 Advertising Standards Bureau complaint assessed by the Community
 Ref – 0001/18 Foxtel Management PTY :

Focus on the creative strategy and message appeals used in the advertisements in the cases above
and use examples drawn from these cases to help you illustrate points in your essay.
ï‚· The essay topic asks you develop an argument and take a position supported by evidence.
ï‚· Evidence falls into two categories
1. Articles found in peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, or other scholarly texts
that have gone through a rigorous review process (this does NOT include such
things as marketing blogs or content from agencies or business press. These do not
meet this criteria even though the content may be useful – see point 2)
ALR733 Advertising Theory and Practice
P a g e 2 | 2
2. Cu
ent advertising examples from the cases above, newspaper articles reporting on
advertising, online resources found at agency websites, blog posts, advertising
egulators and so on.
ï‚· In structuring the framework and scholarly support for your argument and position you
must draw on no fewer than 7 scholarly texts (see 1. Above). This is the minimum needed
to develop depth of understanding of the key issues and to be able to develop an informed
and supported persuasive argument.
Key to remember (if you are not sure ask for help):
1. You are to write an Essay NOT a report: See Academic Skills Resources
2. No more than 10% of your essay may be direct quotes. Using your own words shows how
you understand sources relied upon to formulate arguments. It is more effective to
paraphrase - but do note the point below.
3. Paraphrase with care. Please see the Deakin Guide to Referencing:
Please read the marking criteria and weighting: Refer to these criteria as you prepare and work on
your assignment and then as a final check to ensure you have addressed all the elements of the
Answered Same Day Apr 09, 2020 ALR733 Deakin University


Karan answered on Apr 12 2020
150 Votes
Why is moral myopia and advertising strategy a potentially harmful combination?
Concept of Moral Myopia    2
Combination moral myopia and advertising strategy    3
The case study of H.J. Heinz Company Australia Ltd (Heinz) product: Little Kids Shredz range    4
The negative impact of moral myopia and advertising strategy    4
Ways through which ethical advertisement can be achieved    6
In the contemporary scenario ethics in marketing and advertisement plays the significant role. As considering ethics in the marketing function supports the companies through which they generate customer interest in products/services. It also supports the company in building strong customer interest
elationships and creates value for all stakeholders through incorporating social and environmental considerations in products and promotions.
The present essay focuses on understanding the concept of moral myopia in the marketing function and assessing that how the combination of moral myopia and advertising strategy is negative for the performance of the organisation. For the essay case of H. J. Heinz Company Australia is been taken into the consideration as the company focuses on eliminating ethical issues while formulating advertisement strategy.
Concept of Moral Myopia
Moral Myopia is the behavioural ethics bias that negatively impacts the business activities of the business. It is also regarded as a distortion of moral vision that keeps ethical issues from coming clearly into focus. However, it results in delivering wrong or unethical practices in the market that result in
eaking the law. In the present scenario, ethical issues in advertising and marketing are constantly increasing as it results in highlighting the image of products in the mind of their customers. The concept of moral myopia arises from potentially offensive ads to misleading messages and outright fraud that are of concern to many of the executives in the marketing field (Sha
ir et al. 2018).
However, advertiser or marketing personnel fail to review the moral aspect of problems at all while; others have the unclear moral vision that outcome largely from rationalisation and unwillingness to focus on the problem within in advertising. In addition to this, moral myopia concept is increasing in the industry as its support in providing proper attention to the customers towards their products through marking unethical and wrong claims. Thus it occurs whenever advertiser or marketers fail to communicate or exchange the moral concerns that they indisputably feel and despite of this it results to the failure. However, the concept of moral myopia also results in failure to consider the moral and ethical aspect while marketing their products and services within the market.
However, it has been assessed that moral myopia often occurs due to rationalisation and advertiser dismissing potential ethical concerns while drafting or creating the advertisement strategy. The advertiser oversees the ethical responsibilities and concerns such as present consumers are smart (Scarpaci, Sovacool and Ballantyne, 2016). Hence, they would not be fooled by the deceptive or delivering unethical or impractical message to them. While, advertiser also dismiss their responsibilities towards the society, families as well as law.
Combination moral myopia and advertising strategy
Moral ethics in the advertisement strategy plays the significant role as it assists in generating the positive image of business in the mind of their customers. On the other hand, advertising includes all the tactics and services that support the company presenting and promoting their products to an audience so that they may engage in purchasing the products of the organisation. However, the combination of moral and ethics in the advertising is increasing at the faster pace as it clearly rules out the ways and activities through which communication take place among the buyers and sellers.
In the present scenario, if an advertiser makes the advertisement on the belief that customers will understand the concept behind the advertisement and it assists the customers in purchasing their products as it showcases the ethical activities in which the company engages their activities (La Ferle, 2015). In that situation it would lead to attain positive results and advertisement strategy would be called ethical. On the other hand, if an advertiser thinks that through promoting impossible things and making wrong claims would assist in marketing their products. In this situation, it may not going to work for the company as the advertisement strategy would be called as unethical in nature that leads to arising the concept of Moral Myopia.
There are various forms of advertising strategies such as marketing through newspaper and magazines, social media strategies as well as advertising through television etc. While engaging in all the advertising strategy it is essential for the advertiser to focus on providing ethical and moral information so that it may contribute towards attaining the market efficiency as well as assist the individual and customers to make informed choices (Schauster, 2015). There are key ethical issues and problems within the marketing mix elements that are overseen by the advertiser while serving the customers and audiences. Some of the common ethical problems are as follows-
· Product safety
· Misleading claims
· Excessive pricing or Deceptive pricing of the products
The case study of H.J. Heinz Company Australia Ltd (Heinz) product: Little Kids Shredz...

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