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What would it mean to ungender our emotions? What would the world look like if all of us were allowed to experience and productively express the full range of our emotions without penalty?” (Chemaly,...

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What would it mean to ungender our emotions?

What would the world look like if all of us were allowed to experience and productively express the full range of our emotions without penalty?” (Chemaly, p. xxiii)

  • Address anger, love, sadness (depression too), and any other emotions that seem to you to be especially gendered.
  • PLEASE USE THESE!! Very important texts to use are Chemaly’sRage Becomes Her, Solomon’sAbout Love, hooks’all about love, and Gilligan’sThe Birth of Pleasure. Include other texts at your discretion.

You may also want to consider

  • theory of self
  • symbolic interactionism
  • emotion work, impression management, and authenticity of self, as these relate to gender
  • any other course concepts, materials, and units that you find relevant

Your essay will be graded on the following dimensions:

  • AWESOME CLEAR & COHERENT ARGUMENT!!! (to see if your argument makes sense, you may want to try verbally sharing it with friends and/or family)
  • strong and clear thesis in bold print
  • full response to entire prompt
  • well-written
  • strong use of required course readings to support your argument
  • creativity—make the topic your own
  • free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • bibliography in ASA or APA style style formatting

Grading Rubric (20 total points)
____/1/2 point clear, distinct, compelling thesis in bold print
____/3 point discussion of anger, especially with respect to how it is gendered
____/6 points discussion of love, especially with respect to how it is gendered
____/3 points clear & compelling argument
____/4 points use of required course readings (with quotes)—especially Chemaly, Solomon, hooks, and Gilligan
____/3 points overall quality, including quality of writing
____/1/2 point ASA or APA style bibliography

Answered 5 days After Jul 12, 2022


Poulami answered on Jul 18 2022
78 Votes
What would it mean to ungender our emotions?
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Conclusion    5
References    6
Emotions are of two types such as positive emotions and negative emotions. The literature study reveals that the poets have described the positive and negative emotions as an internalized process. Emotions are generated rather from the soul or mind than the human
ain. Hence, the reaction to a similar situation may vary from person to person depending on their mental structure and emotional control. Positive emotions include happiness whereas negative emotions include sadness. Moreover, emotions are gendered. Expression of emotions is frequently changed based on gender bias. For example, the researchers have found that sadness is more co
elated with women due to exaggerated anxiety as well as a lack of control over situational changes. On the other hand, men are usually well-adapted to control sadness and hold on to emotions.
Primarily there are three basic types of emotions i
espective of whether these are positive or negative. These include anger, love, and sadness. Sadness also encompasses depression. Emotions are gendered. Expression of emotions is frequently changed based on gender bias. The researchers have found that sadness is more co
elated with women due to exaggerated anxiety as well as a lack of control over situational changes. On the other hand, men are usually well-adapted to control sadness and hold on to emotions. While anger is considered, the male gender is more related to this emotion. According to the Rig Veda or ancient scripts, there are a total of six rasas that can express the inner world of humans. The six rasas include anger, greed, sexual urge, hate, disgust, and lust. These six rasas have been compared by many authors to the six evils that are reflected by the human mind in the form of emotions.
The essay Rage Becomes Her is discussed in the light o gendered bias emotions, it can be found that in her essay Chemaly argued for the emotion rage that is supposed to be silenced in women. according to Chemaly this proposition that rage should be silenced in women is nothing but a symbolic event of patriarchal society. Moreover, the author denoted that suppression of rage reflects the authoritarianism of patriarchal society. From this fact, Gloria Steinem explained that many women cry in silent mode. This silent crying is nothing but an extension of the rage that is supposed to b suppressed in them. This suppression of emotion often leads to the generation of anxiety and other mental illness. Hence, by this essay, it can be demonstrated that rage or so
ow is more generated or directed toward the female gender and male dominance in society is responsible for confining this emotion to gender biases. The author believed that a thoughtful and in-depth exploration of rage in women is required to free this emotion from gender biases.
If Solomon's love is considered it can be found that in his piece the poet reflected the love with gender biases for males. In the eyes of a beholder, he described the symbols of love. The author believed that love...

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