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What is your organization’s ideology of power? How does this ideology support the power structure or hierarchy in your organization (Eisenberg, et al., p XXXXXXXXXX | eBook: p XXXXXXXXXX). Describe...

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  1. What is your organization’s ideology of power? How does this ideology support the power structure or hierarchy in your organization (Eisenberg, et al., p XXXXXXXXXX | eBook: p XXXXXXXXXX).

  2. Describe a myth(s), story(ies), or metaphor(s) that provides support for or evidence of this ideology (Eisenberg, et al., p XXXXXXXXXX | eBook: p XXXXXXXXXXRemember that a myth, story, or metaphor is
    NOTan example of something that happened or happens frequently at work, such as your company celebrating employees' birthdays as a means of building camaraderie.
    Read Eisenberg to know what constitutes a myth, story, or metaphor. Remember that myths, stories, and metaphors are not a single example of something happening in the day-to-day work of an office; they are single events or practices over time that shape an organization’s cultural reflection of its ideology.

  3. Does this ideology provide an organizational culture that supports employees and provides an appropriate balance between creativity and constraint, or is it one that reflects the discussion on Eisenberg, et al., p XXXXXXXXXX | eBook: p XXXXXXXXXXregarding ideologies that enable Foucault’s panopticon?

    You should bring in other sources as well (e.g., Brown, Collins) to support your response.

  4. Given your organizational ideology, what types of capital (power) do you have that will enable you to successfully lead teams within this organizational framework? What types of privilege does your power afford you? You may want to think back to your Communication Style and Listening Inventories from Unit 1 as you discuss your types of capital, your power, your privilege, and your ability to lead.

  5. Submit your answers to these questions in a Word document.

Answered 2 days After Sep 29, 2023


Ayan answered on Oct 02 2023
32 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion    3
Introduction    3
Amazon's Ideology of Power    3
Myths and Stories    3
Impact on Organizational Culture    4
Types of Capital and Privilege    4
Conclusion    4
References    6
    Global e-commerce leader is renowned for its customer-centric philosophy, operational effectiveness, and unrelenting pursuit of innovation. The hierarchy of authority inside the organization is supported by a number of fundamental ideas. I will examine Amazon's power ideology, the myths and tales that support it, and its influence on organizational culture, drawing on Eisenberg's notions, other pertinent sources like Brown and Collins, and my own interpretation.
Amazon's Ideology of Powe
    Jeff Bezos' idea of client focus and long-term thinking lies at the core of Amazon's power ideology (Peprah et al., 2022). Data-driven decision-making, operational excellence, and unrelenting innovation are priorities for the organization. This worldview promotes a hierarchical power structure in which senior executives, especially Bezos when serving as CEO, have great influence over the strategic direction of the company.
Myths and Stories
    One common misconception at Amazon is the "Day 1" maxim, which Bezos himself popularized. He continually emphasized to staff members the importance of operating at Amazon like a startup, with an unwavering commitment to...

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