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what is marriage. define marrigae , write about importance of marriage . must be half page in length haveing sex before marriage is a bad thing , it make problems in future life . write about it (...

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what is marriage. define marrigae , write about importance of marriage . must be half page in length

haveing sex before marriage is a bad thing , it make problems in future life . write about it ( only support this statement) must be half page in length.

in america childrens leave there home after there marriage then parents have to live alone. when they get older they usally have to go to old age homes. support this statement and write about this . must be half pages in length.

in america childers have lots of freedom . they can do anything tey want . write about this must be write this is a bad thing . dont give more freedom to our childrens . half page in length

Answered Same Day Dec 21, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 21 2021
127 Votes

According to the “Oxford Dictionaries” (Ma
iage, 2012) ma
iage is a formal
union between a man and a woman and this union is thoroughly recognized by law and
through this union a man and a woman becomes husband and wife. Morally ma
iage is
that union between a man and a woman through which they make exclusive and
enduring commitment among themselves to stay together in all the different phases of
life and this union also constitutes the behavioral part of the process of reproduction.
Though there are myriads of importance of ma
iage the pivotal importance is that,
iage offers to the husband and wife the emotional support of each other. Through
the institute of ma
iage a man and a woman can share personal secrets and can support
each other in times of psychological and economic needs. Moreover, in situations of
depressions one partner can give relief to the other one through soothing words and
words of hope and positive support. And often, due to such emotional support, ma
couples tend to live longer life in comparison to unma
ied individuals. This is because
if a person’s mental health and emotional state is healthy then the physical vigor can be
maintained till a long time.
Sex before ma
iage can
ing forth grim social and psychological consequences
for both a man and a woman. Women who did have sex before ma
iage usually get
ored by any further of it as to them sex feels like a daily chore devoid of anymore
enjoyment and intimacy with the partner. Both men and women, and specifically
women who did have sex prior to their ma
iage mostly lost the desire for having sex.
And though the degree of such lack of desire varies from women to women the
consequence of such apathy can be disastrous. And this is because such lethargy towards
sex can affect the psychology of their partners and can even hamper...

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