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Weighting:50% of the total grade for this course (about 2500 words) Word limit:2500 words (+/-10%) Due date:end of Week 8 Assessment 2 addresses the following course objectives: CO1 Explain key...

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Weighting:50% of the total grade for this course (about 2500 words)

Word limit:2500 words (+/-10%)

Due date:end of Week 8

Assessment 2 addresses the following course objectives:

CO1Explain key concepts underpinning public health practice and research
CO2Describe the public health areas of practice using examples
CO3Apply foundation knowledge of health-related data sources and epidemiological methods to describe the occurrence of health outcomes
CO4Explain how research evidence informs public health practice
CO5Describe how the public health cycle leads to improved population health

We recommend that you keep the work you do for these assessment tasks after the course finishes. You might be able to use it as evidence for a prospective employer, to demonstrate that you understand and can apply the principles underlying public health.


The aim of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the Public Health Cycle in relation to a public health issue, focusing on the factors that contribute to the occurrence of that issue, and the social determinants associated with the issue.

You will also demonstrate your ability to communicate information effectively to a chosen population, along with providing solutions or strategies to prevent the issue.


Consider the following scenario:

You work for theWave BayPublic Health Department (Wave Bay is a fictionalised town in Australia, for which we have set up a community website).

The Wave Bay hospital has seen an increase in hospitalisations for chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and depression over the last 5 years.

Your boss gives you the important task of proposing a public health intervention to address the issue. You do some research on these chronic diseases and reach the conclusion that they are all somehow related to lifestyle factors. So you decide to look for relevant information on these risk factors available for your community.

In your research, you find the results from a community health survey that was conducted in Wave Bay in 2012 and 2017 (you will find the information about the survey, and the results, on theWave Baycommunitywebsite).

Please Note:You do not need to reference information from the Wave Bay website. The website information is fabricated and has been provided as part of the assessment. It is also important that fabricated information is not referenced. This is because providing a reference may inadvertently give credibility to made up information.

Assessment description

You must produce a report which outlines a public health intervention to address the health issues in Wave Bay. In order to make an evidence-based decision on what to do, you should follow the stages of thePublic Health Cycle, as outlined inWeek 4of the course.

The final report should besuccinct, clearly and logically structured, and contain no grammatical or other errors of expression.

Your report should include the following specific sections:

Part 1: What lifestyle factor are you targeting?

In order to answer this, undertake a brief descriptive epidemiology of the lifestyle factor you want to target, using data and information available on theWave Baycommunity website.

In this part of your report, you should:

  • Present relevantepidemiological datafor the risk factor for Wave Bay, using ameasurecovered inWeek 6.
  • Compare your estimates for Wave Bay with equivalent national Australian statistics (seeWeek 5content for data sources). Is it higher or lower?
  • Descriptive epidemiology:Discuss the issue in termsof person and time factors, as discussed inWeek 6. Based on this analysis, do you think there has been change in the risk factor over the last decade? Do you think a particular part of the population is more at risk?
  • Using the information above, summarise why you think this risk factor should be the target of your public health strategy.

Part 2: What are the determinants of the risk factor?

Provide two examples of determinants of the risk factor you have identified. For each determinant specify:

  • Whether the determinant isupstream, mid-stream or downstream
  • How or why you think itcontributesto the risk factor

Part 3: What public health intervention are you aware of that could help tackle the determinant you selected?

Focus on just one of the two determinants you have identified in Part 2, and describe an intervention which could address this determinant.

Think about interventions you are familiar with, either from your own experience, or through media. For instance you might see an advertisement and look carefully in your local community.

In your description of your intervention, make sure to discuss:

  • Thenatureof the intervention (include any links or documents that describe it)
  • How or why you think itaddresses the determinantyou have selected
  • The type ofaction areait fits into, as described in the Ottawa Charter (seeWeek 8) and the strategy it aligns with.
  • Thearea of practicemost relevant for this strategy (seeWeek 3)

Part 4: Is your public health intervention appropriate for the Wave Bay community?

To answer this question, briefly discuss how the intervention complies (or not) with each of the six ethical principles you covered inWeek 3of the course:

  • Non-maleficence
  • Beneficence
  • Health maximisation
  • Efficiency
  • Respect for autonomy
  • Social justice

Part 5: How will you know if your intervention worked?

In this final section of your report you need to describe how you will evaluate whether your intervention was successful.


When you're completing your report, remember to refer to the grading criteria to make sure that you have met the assessment requirements. The grading criteria will show you how your assessment will be marked. It might help to download it and keep it handy as you complete the assignment.

Assessment 2:Wave Bay Report grading criteria

Referencing and Academic Integrity

Use the UniSA Harvard referencing to acknowledgeallmaterial which is not your own. You must providing both in-text references and a reference list.

Your referencing must include academic references, quality primary sources (such as government websites), images which are not your own, and online articles. If you cite a source from a resource or video, you must reference the original source.

SeeUniSA's Referencing informationfor UniSA Harvard Referencing Guide, Referencing Roadmap, Referencing forum and more.Refer to theAcademic Integrity modulefor more information about how to comply with academic integrity.

Answered Same Day Jul 30, 2021 University Of South Australia


Tanaya answered on Aug 13 2021
150 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Part 1: The Lifestyle Factor that is targeted    3
Part 2: Determinants of Risk Factor    4
Part 3: Public Health Intervention for Tackling the Determinants    5
Part 4: Appropriateness of the Intervention for the Wave Bay Community    6
Part 5: The Extent to which the Intervention will Work    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
Wave Bay town located in Australia has been observing a large number of hospitalisations in the last few years due to various chronic condition of the population. The Wave Bay hospital has recorded different types of disease that includes cancer, diabetes, depression and heart disease. The survey in between the year 2012 to 2017 revealed that the lifestyle factors played a crucial role in the high incidence of these risks. The cu
ent study will involve in the analysis of the various risk factors and the lifestyle factors that need to be evaluated so that the health condition of the Wave Bay town can be improved. The various determinant of the public health intervention will be explored in the study.
Part 1: The Lifestyle Factor that is targeted
The epidemiology of the population in Wave Bay reveals that there is a prevalence in depression, which is consistently higher amongst the people in addition to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and anxiety. There is a possibility that the association between heart disease and depression has been observed to be a complex process. In addition, similar rates of myocardial infarction, heart failure and coronary diseases that have been observed among the population of Wave Bay. The population of Wave Bay recorded in the year 2018 reflects have 25, 247 residents that constitute if 12876 females and 12371 males.
Among these populations, the individuals who were suffering from cancer suffered from depression, which was during the varied time of the disease progression and prognosis process. The local survey reflected that until the last year 2019, the number of residents suffering from non-communicable diseases was comparatively higher. In one of the surveys, it was revealed that 15% of the total Wave Bay population was suffering from diabetes. These residents were beyond the age of 65 years.
The federal government has conducted a screening program so that the risks factors of the non- communicable diseases among the population can be identified. In the survey, it was observed that 30 % of the adult population in Wave Bay, who are more than 18 years old, were overweight and obese. At the same time, 20% of the population who were in between the age of 4 to 18 years were observed to be obese. The concern was raised further by the regional council for the need for funds that would help in designing an appropriate intervention program that will help in controlling the increase in the number of non-communicable disease patients.
Often the analysis of the risk factors plays a crucial part in the health system so that the disease can be prevented with the reduction in the ill-health condition. To reduce the impacts, it is important that the disability, level of injury and the spread of the preventable illness be evaluated. In Australia, within the Wave Bay town, the health prevention and the health promotion involved in the identification of education level, social marketing, regulation and the legislation in the area. This will help in disease prevention and in building a physical environment with a social environment so that healthy behaviour can be supported.
During the analysis, it was revealed that the lifestyle of the population in Wave Bay played an important role in the high incidence of non-communicable disease in the population. In one of the surveys, that included 200 adolescent and 300 adults when questioned regarding the lifestyle and stressor shows that since 2012 to 2017 the number of individuals from both the group has increased the daily level of smoking. In addition, a smaller number of individual, both adolescent and adult group had low levels of physical activity. The fruit consumption in between the year 2012 to 2017 have consistent reduced in both the adolescent and adult population. Lastly, the obesity level of the adult population has increased consistently and has become a concern because it will be the source of various risk involving heart problem, diabetes and depression.
Part 2: Determinants of Risk Facto
The determinants of the risk factor and health can be categorised into four different factors. This includes social factors, health services, biology, genetics and individual behaviour. This inter-relationship in between the different factors determines the population health as well as individual health (Tulatz, 2019). The various interventions that are targeted for the population are mostly based on the boundaries in respect to the traditional healthcare and the available healthcare sectors. The public health sectors were categorised based on housing, agriculture, environment, education and transportation. The policies in the State, federal as well as local level helps in affecting the population health and individual health.
For instance, if Wave Bay implement an increase in the tax on...

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