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Weighting 3 0% Word count 2500 words (+/- 10%) Due date Week 11 (before 09.59am on Friday the 12 of May 2018) Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐ Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin X Format /...

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Weighting 30%

Word count 2500 words (+/- 10%)

Due date Week 11 (before 09.59am on Friday the 12 of May 2018) Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐

Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin X

Format / Layout of Assessment

(details of what to include)

(cross the appropriate check boxes)

Assessment instructions



Table of Contents X Synopsis / Executive Summary X Introduction X Findings X Conclusion X Recommendations X Reference List X Appendices X Essay:

Abstrac ☐ Introduction ☐ Body ☐ Conclusion ☐

Recommendations ☐

Reference List ☐

Appendices ☐

Oral Presentation:

Paper submission ☐ PowerPoint submission ☐ Peer review (group presentation) ☐ Reference List ☐


(outline specific details here – use check boxes)

(clear, succinct, without repetition) You are required to interview a manager of a company or organisation (you should try to find one with more than 10 staff if possible). If you have a contact please follow up – otherwise your lecturer will help you to find one.

Before you go to the interview follow these steps:

1. Research the company or organisation using any sources available (published annual reports, newspaper or online reports)

2. Find out what has been written on the topic of operational area that you have chosen by researching academic or practitioner journals and magazines).

3. Using the literature to help you, develop a set of questions to find out about:

a. The firm – a little bit about what it does, whether it is public or private, government or not-forprofit.

b. The number of staff and key areas of activity

c. The role of a Manager (especially within the area of one or two of the topic areas covered in this course).

The Interview

The main purpose of the interview is for student to gain more insight into what managers really do, what challenges they face, what lessons they have learned, what suggestions they have for you and other students as future team members and managers.

Suggestions for questions to discuss during your interview:

• What has been the manager’s career path to the current position? What companies has he/she worked for and what have his/her responsibilities been?

• If he/she could change anything about his/her career path, what would it be?

• What does he/she enjoy most about his/her current position and responsibilities? What does he/ she enjoy least about her current position and responsibilities?

• What aspects of his/her position are the most rewarding? What aspects of his/ her position are the most frustrating?

• What is the most challenging aspect of his/her position?

What is he/she doing to overcome these challenges?

• What current trends could have an impact on management practices within the next 2-5 years?

• How might the business change in the next 2-5 years?

How is he/she planning for this?

• What advise can he/she offer you as you are entering the business environment today?


1. This has to be a real experience and one where you can collect and analyse some data to inform your recommendations.

2. Take no more than 45 minutes of the HR manager's time.

3. Either record the interview (but ask permission first) or

take careful notes

4. If the manager would prefer anonymity assure her/him that you will not include organisation or company names in any report.

After the Interview

1. Write up your notes

2. If unsure, discuss your findings with your lecturer, identifying key points

Your report

Present your findings as a short research report (2500 words)

using the following structure:

• Cover page: Your name, MGT600 & Title of the report: this should be a concise description of your report (no more than 10 words

• Executive Summary

• Table of contents: list all major sections with page numbers (words don't count).

• Introduction: Cover the Background (what has come before the report to make it necessary for you to write it?), Aim(s) (what is the main aim(s) of the report?) and Scope (how will you cover this aim(s), discuss sections and what will and won’t be covered). About 200 words.

• Literature review: summarize your findings from the literature search. This section should be around 500 –

600 word and should be comprehensively supported by

appropriate referencing.

• Firm Background In this section you should introduce the firm providing key information about its size and key business objectives. About 100 words.

Operations About 1400 words:

o Critically discuss what managers really do (this section is based on your findings)

o What challenges managers face

o Other interesting lessons learnt from the experience

• Conclusion and recommendations: Using the literature write a short summary of your findings as well as some concise and practical recommendations for future Managers. (About 200 words)

• Supplementary material:

o Reference list: use the APA referencing system.

o Appendix: attach a copy of your interview transcript

and notes (not part of the word count)

Please note the following important points:

• The report should be in a clear, easy to read font, 12 point size, with 1.5 spacing. Overall presentation should reflect the appropriate business format.

• Unreferenced reports, or those that do not include a minimum of 8 references, will receive a grade of 50% or less. The quality of your references will impact your grade (at least 4 of your sources should be scholarly, i.e. peer-reviewed academic journal articles)

• Descriptive papers (i.e. not critical) will receive a grade of

50% or less

Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within

14 days of submission at most. Below is the feedback form, which

will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.

Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin.

Readings for the assessment

(instructions where they can be found e.g. MyAthens database, Moodle etc.)

The text and all relevant journals found through the Academic


Grading Criteria / Rubric See Below

Peer Review Evaluation

(group work – optional)

Grading Criteria / Rubric

Assessment Criteria: Performance

Introduction /3 marks

The introduction includes the following:

• An introductory sentence or two related directly to the question.

• A definition or explanation of a key term, cited from your findings

• A clear statement of the focus of the report or the position being argued, your opinion statement.

Analysis /10 marks

The student has:

• Interpreted the interview/date properly

• Applied the 8 elements of thought model while analysing data

• Demonstrated an understanding of necessary concepts/perspectives/theories

• Has identified sufficient and appropriate material from relevant and credible sources to effectively support the key points

Theory and Practice /10 marks

The student has Critically discussed:

• What managers really do based on findings)

• What challenges HR managers face

• Other interesting lessons learnt from the experience

Conclusion /3 marks

The student has included in the conclusion:

• A brief summary of the main ideas presented in the essay.

• Confirmation of the opinion included in the introduction.

• Final evaluative comments on the relative importance of the arguments.

Report Presentation /4 marks

The student has:

• Identified the key report elements (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion)

• Given each section/paragraph a clear focus and line of thought

• Provided a writing style that is appropriate to the task.

• Used writing that is fluent and grammatically correct, with appropriate punctuation.

• No spelling or typing errors and given due regard to the rules of capitalization and abbreviation etc.

• Used a minimum of 8 academic references, including textbooks and journal articles

• Applied the APA referencing system using the correct technique

Total available marks – 30

Total grade/mark obtained: /30

Weighting 30%

Word count 2500 words (+/- 10%)

Due date Week 11 (before 09.59am on Friday the 12 of May 2018) Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐

Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin X

Format / Layout of Assessment

(details of what to include)

(cross the appropriate check boxes)

Assessment instructions



Table of Contents X Synopsis / Executive Summary X Introduction X Findings X Conclusion X Recommendations X Reference List X Appendices X Essay:

Abstrac ☐ Introduction ☐ Body ☐ Conclusion ☐

Recommendations ☐

Reference List ☐

Appendices ☐

Oral Presentation:

Paper submission ☐ PowerPoint submission ☐ Peer review (group presentation) ☐ Reference List ☐


(outline specific details here – use check boxes)

(clear, succinct, without repetition) You are required to interview a manager of a company or organisation (you should try to find one with more than 10 staff if possible). If you have a contact please follow up – otherwise your lecturer will help you to find one.

Before you go to the interview follow these steps:

1. Research the company or organisation using any sources available (published annual reports, newspaper or online reports)

2. Find out what has been written on the topic of operational area that you have chosen by researching academic or practitioner journals and magazines).

3. Using the literature to help you, develop a set of questions to find out about:

a. The firm – a little bit about what it does, whether it is public or private, government or not-forprofit.

b. The number of staff and key areas of activity

c. The role of a Manager (especially within the area of one or two of the topic areas covered in this course).

The Interview

The main purpose of the interview is for student to gain more insight into what managers really do, what challenges they face, what lessons they have learned, what suggestions they have for you and other students as future team members and managers.

Suggestions for questions to discuss during your interview:

• What has been the manager’s career path to the current position? What companies has he/she worked for and what have his/her responsibilities been?

• If he/she could change anything about his/her career path, what would it be?

• What does he/she enjoy most about his/her current position and responsibilities? What does he/ she enjoy least about her current position and responsibilities?

• What aspects of his/her position are the most rewarding? What aspects of his/ her position are the most frustrating?

• What is the most challenging aspect of his/her position?

What is he/she doing to overcome these challenges?

• What current trends could have an impact on management practices within the next 2-5 years?

• How might the business change in the next 2-5 years?

How is he/she planning for this?

• What advise can he/she offer you as you are entering the business environment today?


1. This has to be a real experience and one where you can collect and analyse some data to inform your recommendations.

2. Take no more than 45 minutes of the HR manager's time.

3. Either record the interview (but ask permission first) or

take careful notes

4. If the manager would prefer anonymity assure her/him that you will not include organisation or company names in any report.

After the Interview

1. Write up your notes

2. If unsure, discuss your findings with your lecturer, identifying key points

Your report

Present your findings as a short research report (2500 words)

using the following structure:

• Cover page: Your name, MGT600 & Title of the report: this should be a concise description of your report (no more than 10 words

• Executive Summary

• Table of contents: list all major sections with page numbers (words don't count).

• Introduction: Cover the Background (what has come before the report to make it necessary for you to write it?), Aim(s) (what is the main aim(s) of the report?) and Scope (how will you cover this aim(s), discuss sections and what will and won’t be covered). About 200 words.

• Literature review: summarize your findings from the literature search. This section should be around 500 –

600 word and should be comprehensively supported by

appropriate referencing.

• Firm Background In this section you should introduce the firm providing key information about its size and key business objectives. About 100 words.

Operations About 1400 words:

o Critically discuss what managers really do (this section is based on your findings)

o What challenges managers face

o Other interesting lessons learnt from the experience

• Conclusion and recommendations: Using the literature write a short summary of your findings as well as some concise and practical recommendations for future Managers. (About 200 words)

• Supplementary material:

o Reference list: use the APA referencing system.

o Appendix: attach a copy of your interview transcript

and notes (not part of the word count)

Please note the following important points:

• The report should be in a clear, easy to read font, 12 point size, with 1.5 spacing. Overall presentation should reflect the appropriate business format.

• Unreferenced reports, or those that do not include a minimum of 8 references, will receive a grade of 50% or less. The quality of your references will impact your grade (at least 4 of your sources should be scholarly, i.e. peer-reviewed academic journal articles)

• Descriptive papers (i.e. not critical) will receive a grade of

50% or less

Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within

14 days of submission at most. Below is the feedback form, which

will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.

Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin.

Readings for the assessment

(instructions where they can be found e.g. MyAthens database, Moodle etc.)

The text and all relevant journals found through the Academic


Grading Criteria / Rubric See Below

Peer Review Evaluation

(group work – optional)

Grading Criteria / Rubric

Assessment Criteria: Performance

Introduction /3 marks

The introduction includes the following:

• An introductory sentence or two related directly to the question.

• A definition or explanation of a key term, cited from your findings

• A clear statement of the focus of the report or the position being argued, your opinion statement.

Analysis /10 marks

The student has:

• Interpreted the interview/date properly

• Applied the 8 elements of thought model while analysing data

• Demonstrated an understanding of necessary concepts/perspectives/theories

• Has identified sufficient and appropriate material from relevant and credible sources to effectively support the key points

Theory and Practice /10 marks

The student has Critically discussed:

• What managers really do based on findings)

• What challenges HR managers face

• Other interesting lessons learnt from the experience

Conclusion /3 marks

The student has included in the conclusion:

• A brief summary of the main ideas presented in the essay.

• Confirmation of the opinion included in the introduction.

• Final evaluative comments on the relative importance of the arguments.

Report Presentation /4 marks

The student has:

• Identified the key report elements (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion)

• Given each section/paragraph a clear focus and line of thought

• Provided a writing style that is appropriate to the task.

• Used writing that is fluent and grammatically correct, with appropriate punctuation.

• No spelling or typing errors and given due regard to the rules of capitalization and abbreviation etc.

• Used a minimum of 8 academic references, including textbooks and journal articles

• Applied the APA referencing system using the correct technique

Total available marks – 30

Total grade/mark obtained: /30

Answered Same Day May 09, 2020 MGT600


Akansha answered on May 12 2020
155 Votes
Role of a manager in McDonald    5
Challenges faced by the manager in McDonald    6
Lesson learnt from the experience    7
The given report analysis a practical example of a manager who has to manage the day to day activities of an organization and solve the issues and cross the hurdles all at the same time. The introduction will explain the aim and scope of the given report along with the other factors those will be discussed in the given report. The main body will include a literature review that will summarize the studies and researches of various authors and writers on the role of a manager in an organization. The next part will introduce the organization, and a small background about the introduction and the interviewee will be added.
Next, the role a manager plays in the discussed organization will be discussed which will also include the activities taken by the manager while managing the company. In the next section, the challenges those are faced by the manager during his work tenure will also be discussed. His experiences and the learning one gained from it will also be added to the next section. In the end, ac conclusion will be added, and it will be followed by some recommendations to manage the focused organization better.
In any organization, the role of a manager is very crucial. The manager manages every part if the targeted project and deals with the challenges and hurdles those arise in the way. The real-life managerial responsibilities are much more different from the theory one learns in the making process of a manager. The given report highlights the role of a manager of a company and for this real-life experience of a manager is collected and analyzed.
The aim of the report- The aim of the report is to analyze the real-life situation of a manager. In the process of learning about the manager and his responsibilities along with his roles and responsibilities the challenges one may face during the work tenure will also be identified in the given report.
The scope of the report- the report will enhance the reader's understanding of the practical aspects and working style of a manger of an organization. The conducted interview will provide the insight one should expect when taking up the responsibility as a manager. A personalized interview will enhance the understanding regarding the role that a leader plays in a company and its success. In the end, a conclusion and some recommendations will help in summarizing the findings and demonstrate the understating of the issues and related factor in a managerial role.
A manager is a person who is in-charge of the certain subset or certain group of a task to conduct a business activity to earn the profit. A manager has to perform various roles like liaison, leader, spokesperson, resource allocator, distu
ance handler, disseminator, entrepreneur and figurehead. He has to play the role of each to give justice to the job role he performed. He is like water which can mould in any shape. According to Dunitz-Scheer (2012), the job role of a manger is varied in the different company. The manager has a responsibility to do critical planning to conduct to achieve the organization goals. Before doing any task manager must plan the task guidelines with the employees to avoid delay in the work. The employees cannot make excuses and will be answerable for not performing the task. The manager must provide the instruction to employees who do not perform their responsibilities effectively. He has to organize the work, employees, resources and training programs to perform various activities that help in accomplishing desired and required results to attain maximum profitability and productivity. According to Greg (2017), the managers fail to plan the work may increase the chances of vulnerability and uncertainty that may reduce the productivity or profitability of the business. Planning is very crucial for any business or company as it lays a foundation to perform business activities for its smooth running. The manger also has the responsibility to interview the candidates who want to join the company and select them by the qualification, knowledge and talent. There is some people come to give an interview so, it is very difficult for the manager to choose few out of many.
. A writer Shanthi (2017) writes in an article that it is a responsibility of a manger to provide proper guidance, leadership, support, and direction to motivate and encourage the employees. He has to monitor the work done by the employees and ensures if the employees are completing the assigned task within the deadlines. He has to make sure that the suppliers are supplying enough ram material and providing on time to avoid any delay and chaos in the wok. For a manager, monitoring the activities of the employees are not enough, he also has to follow up the employees to know how the employees are performing their responsibilities and assigned task....

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