For this assignment, you must create a business website that employs the principles of HTML5,
CSS and JavaScript ( D3.JS ) which meets the requirements specified below. The 'business'
can be of your choosing (or can be a personal site meeting the requirements outlined below).
You should employ a common design theme and colour scheme throughout.
Your website should:
• Have a minimum of 3 linked pages;
• Allow the customer to enter their login details and have login details validated (via a login
• Perform form validation through JavaScript or HTML to ensure that: o text fields are not empty;
- a valid email address is entered.
• Access and change HTML on the web page through the DOM;
• Access and change styling through the DOM;
• Demonstrate the use of events; • Contain 2 data visualisations (e.g., Bar Chart) of your
choosing o One from a CSV file o One from an a
• Both visualisations should allow the user to specify display settings, including an option to
change colour, display size and animations.
Please note the following: Please ensure that you include comments throughout your code to
indicate clearly what you code is doing HTML Ensure that major HTML sections include
comments indicating purpose and function CSS All classes and ID’s created in CSS must be
accompanied by comments describing its purpose JavaScript & D3.JS
All blocks of code in JavaScript and D3 must include a comment describing its purpose and