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Web Data Analytics Homework #5 Total Points: 60 Ground rules about study groups: You may form a study group with other fellow students. As a study group, you may discuss the assignment, exchange...

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Web Data Analytics

Homework #5

Total Points: 60

Ground rules about study groups: You may form a study group with other fellow students. As a study group, you may discuss the assignment, exchange ideas, and clarify questions for each other. However, any form of plagiarism, e.g., copying each other’s answers, is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted based on the academic integrity policies and procedures. If you participate in a study group, you must include the name of the group members in your submission.

You are free to consult any external resources for reference.

Study group members (if any):


1) Create a new Notebook, and use it to answer the following questions.

Your file should be named in the following format:


For example, John Smith would name the file: smith_john_hw#.

*You will lose 5 points if your file is named with a different convention.

2) You must use Selenium to obtain ALL the quotes of the following website:

*You MUST use selenium. Using a different library will result in points deduction.

*You MUST obtain all the quotes. Not just those in the first page.

3) For each quote you need to obtain the following:

a. The text of the quote. So, for the first quote that would be:
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

b. The author’s name. So for the first quote it would be: “Albert Einstein”

c. The tags associated with each quote. To separate the tags, use a pipe (|). So for the first quote that would be “change|deep-thoughts|thinking|world”

4) You are required to create an output file that is of type (CSV). You will be deducted points for any other output type. The output should have 3 columns:

a. Column 1: Author

b. Column 2: Quote

c. Column 3: Tags.

Here is an example of output of just the first quote:

Make sure to take note of the following potential issues:

*You must have only three columns. They must be in the order given above.

*You must have headers, as shown in the sample above.

*You must obtain all the quotes. Not just the ones on the first page.

*You must submit an ipynb notebook and a csv file.

Answered 1 days After Mar 29, 2023


Adyasha answered on Mar 31 2023
36 Votes

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