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we have 4 option, chose any one i will provide presentation slides, so it will be easier for you to choose

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COM XXXXXXXXXXWorkplace Professionalism
People Skills: How to Manage Conflict- 5 Spheres of Conflict
Assignment 3
Julie has been overseeing a team of 4 people that have been tasked with creating a proposal to improve workplace safety. The proposal is near its completion and the team is preparing to present the plan to the managing team by the end of the month which is 3 weeks away The team has been delayed because Moira hasn’t been completing her tasks on time which has delayed the completion of the proposal. The 3 other team members, Sam, Parmeet, and Kate have been complaining to Julie all along that Moira is holding the team up from completing the proposal. Recently, Sam decided to speak with Moira again but she just gets really defensive. Parmeet and Kate had the same experience when they spoke with Moira. They even asked if they could help but Moira always refused, saying she’d get it done. Julie has never confronted Moira about her poor work performance and with the deadline looming the rest of the team is upset not only with Moira but with Julie for not talking to her earlier in the project. Julie hates conflict and was hoping that Moira would just start meeting her deadlines. Although, Julie was flattered about being offered the lead for this project she also knew she’d have to work long hours and she knew she wouldn’t like that. She accepted it anyway because she knew her boss, Amanda, would give her the cold shoulder if she didn’t. Amanda doesn’t listen well and when she gets pressure from the owner then she gets angry at everyone else. Amanda has already lost her cool when Julie said the proposal might not be finished on time.
Instructions: Each answer should be 250 words or more.
1. Use the 5 Spheres of Conflict chart and identify what elements of the scenario belong in each of the 5 categories. Identify as many as you can.
2. Using the information you have from step 1, choose one of the 5 spheres and describe how you would resolve the problem. For example, who would need to be involved, how will you describe the problem, will you need to ask a specific question(s), what solution or solutions will you present. Your answer should be a detailed description of how you will solve the problem. Make sure your response is direct and deals only with what’s in the sphere of conflict that you have chosen.
3. Which sphere of conflict do you find the most challenging to deal with? Why? Describe a time when you dealt with conflict in a healthy manner. Describe a time when you didn’t deal with conflict in a positive way.

COM XXXXXXXXXXWorkplace Professionalism
People Skills: From a Dysfunctional to a Cohesive Team
Assignment 2
Answer each question in full sentences and in 250 words or more. Grades are based on a clear understanding of Dysfunctional versus Cohesive Teams, how they apply to you, and relevant personal and professional examples.
1. There are five predictable results when a team is dysfunctional: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. Choose 2 of the 5 results and answer the following: provide an example of how the two results you have chosen have played out in one the following settings: workplace, a volunteer setting, a family setting, a classroom setting, or a team setting. In other words, identify behaviours you witnessed in that setting that support your choices.
2. Discuss the two main factors that lead to lack of commitment: desire for consensus and the need for certainty. Explain what they mean and how they lead to a lack of commitment.
3. The 5 characteristics of a cohesive team are: trust, engagement, buy-in, accountability, and team goals. Explain what each of these characteristics mean and how they contribute to a cohesive, high functioning team.

COM XXXXXXXXXXWorkplace Professionalism
People Skills: Emotional Intelligence
Answer each question in detail in complete sentences in 250 words or more. Grades are based on a clear understanding of Emotional Intelligence (EI), the 4 areas of EI as measured on the assessment, how they apply to you, and relevant personal examples. Each question is worth 25%.
1. The online emotional intelligence (EI) assessment measures 4 areas of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Based on their definitions of the 4 areas of EI, do you agree or disagree with your score in each area? Why or why not?
2. Using your EI assessment results and the definitions provided for each area of EI, provide a personal example of how you have demonstrated these skills for each of the 4 areas.
3. Take your lowest score and discuss how you could make improvements in that area.
4. Measuring life success is based on the combination of IQ and EI. In the EI lecture, high IQ is associated with 20% life success while high EI is associated with 80% life success. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

Com 1030- Workplace Professionalism
People Skills
The Empowerment Dynamic
The Empowerment Dynamic:
Victim versus Creator role
Controller versus Challenger role
Rescuer versus Coach role
Drama Triangle XXXXXXXXXXEmpowerment Dynamic
Victim: Reacts XXXXXXXXXXCreator: Chooses
Controller: Puts Down XXXXXXXXXXChallenger: Builds Up
Rescuer: Tells XXXXXXXXXXCoach: Asking
Answer each question in full sentences and in 200 words or more. Grades are based on a clear understanding of the roles (specific behaviours, thoughts and feelings) and relevant examples. Must demonstrate a knowledge of the two relationship dynamics and how well you are able to relate it to your own behaviour. The assignment is worth 10% of your overall grade.
1. Choose two of the six roles from either column that you recognize yourself in. Refer back to the class lecture on the behaviours, thoughts and feelings in those roles and give an example foreach role of when you have behaved that way.
2. Do you find yourself playing one role more than another? Which one? Why? How does playing this role benefit you? How does playing this role not benefit you?
3. Which role would you like to move away from more? If you want to move away from it that implies it no longer serves you. In what ways does it have a negative impact on your life, your relationships, on achieving your goals? What makes you want to move away from it?
4. If you were stuck in the drama dynamic what might you do to
eak the pattern?
5. What basic needs might someone be getting met by acting like a rescuer? A controller? A victim?
Answered 1 days After Feb 14, 2024


Shubham answered on Feb 16 2024
28 Votes
Question 1
In the workplace setting, the absence of trust and fear of conflict can hamper in different ways and this can impact team dynamics and overall productivity. This requires considering scenario team project is assigned and team members lack trust. This can result in that team members may hesitate to share ideas openly, fearing judgment and criticism. This lack of trust stifles creativity and collaboration and this can hinder ability of team to generate innovative solutions. The fear of conflict can be observed when team members avoid addressing disagreements and differing opinions. In the workplace project meeting, team members may choose not to voice the concerns about proposed strategy to avoid potential confrontation (Brown & Fredrickson, 2021). This fear of conflict prevents healthy discussions and compromises and this can lead to suboptimal decision-making. In the family setting, the dynamic can be observed in the similar way. In the absence of trust among family members, open communication may be hindered and individuals may withhold important information due to fear of judgment and betrayal. The fear of conflict might lead family members to avoid addressing underlying issues and this will help in ensuring environment of unresolved tensions and strained relationships. The example illustrates the absence of trust and fear of conflict that can significantly impact team dynamics and outcomes across various settings for hindering collaboration and effective problem-solving.
Question 2
The lack of commitment in team can often be attributed to desire for consensus and the need for certainty. It includes two interconnected factors that impact decision-making processes. The desire for consensus refers to...

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