• Watch the show "Running Zach" (S2E13) of the 1990s E/I Saturday morning “classic” Saved
By the Bell. Write an analysis of the show(s) according to concepts developed by this week's
eadings. The focus should be on the ways in which the shows are examples of colonized or
decolonized viewing.
• If you so choose, you may
ing in other representations of indigenous people - TV only - as
another comparative case.
Be thorough, connect to important concepts, and make sure to polish the final product
“Sitcom na
atives’ deeply rooted stereotypical and misinforming representations of ‘Indians’ act
as daily and nightly televisual reminders of racism, power, and colonization. Over time, these
epresentations contribute to a mainstream televisual landscape that encourages audiences to
engage in colonized viewing: Such viewers simply watch the programming, do not question what
is said or not said, do not situate the representations of redface within their larger historical and
contexts, and do not try to interpret or formulate a way of reading the televisual content that can
move them toward decolonizing their minds
decolonization as ‘the intelligent calculated, and active resistance to the forces of colonialism
that perpetuate the subjugation and/or exploitation of our minds, bodies, and lands.’ Located
within this larger project, decolonized viewing is a critical approach of resistance to subjugating
and dehumanizing content found on American television’s channels of colonialism. In line
with poststructuralist thought, it also is a process of respectful intervention into audiences’
ational sense-making practices of television” (Tahmahkera:327, emphasis added).
Decolonization/Decolonized Viewing “Unlike these colonizing approaches to television comedy
that often dismiss sitcoms and other comedic programming as escapist fantasy and mindless
drivel, decolonized viewing holds critics responsible for their ignorance as well as imagemakers
accountable for their (mis)perceptions and (mis)representations of Native Peoples”
(Tahmahkera:327, emphasis added).