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Using the topic you have developed in PSY-530 (if you have not taken PSY-530, please check with your instructor about a topic), write a Research Proposal (2,000-2,500 words) on a topic relevant to the...

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Using the topic you have developed in PSY-530 (if you have not taken PSY-530, please check with your instructor about a topic), write a Research Proposal (2,000-2,500 words) on a topic relevant to the course. To complete the Research Proposal, do the following:

Review the attached document "Research Proposal Guidelines" as well as Topic 7 lecture section on The Results and Discussion Sections in the Research Proposal for a brief overview pertaining to "how to" complete the assignment.

1. Introductory section: Include hypothesis and a review of the literature.

2. Method section: Include subsections on Participants, Apparatus/Materials/Instruments, Procedure, and Design.

3. Results section: Include statistic, critical values, degrees of freedom, and alpha level.

4. Discussion section: Include interpretation of results, ethical concerns, limitations of study, and suggestions for future research.

5. Figures and Tables section: Include a minimum of two (either two figures, two tables, or a figure and a table).

Answered Same Day Jul 01, 2021


Ishika answered on Jul 02 2021
127 Votes
Research Proposal on Memory Conformity of eye-witnesses
Student details
Institute affiliation
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Literature review:    3
Research Aim:    4
Research Question:    4
Research Method:    5
Participants:    5
Design:    5
Materials:    5
Procedure:    6
Results:    6
Discussion:    8
References:    10
Appendix    11
In this study, the effect of co-witness discussions on the accuracy and reliability of testimony and potential explanations for memory conformity will be investigated. Information of an incident with a co-witness has been believed to harm the credibility of testaments, which allows inadequate evidence as proof. 100 students of the first year will participate, assigned randomly to one-of-four conditions. One in four recordings of a crime will be shown that varies a little or a lot in detail depending on the group in which they participate and then told to speak to another participant from a different group about specifics of the video. In the clip 10 minutes after the discussion, participants are asked to remember the details. Following recall of a variety of possible explanations for memory conformity, participants will be invited to complete a collection. Results are contrasted with a test. Co-witness conversations are forecasted to influence the accuracy of eyewitness reports and variables such as implicit confidence raises the likelihood for memory conformity. As discussions with co-witnesses are likely to take place in real life, it is important to realize their impact on eyewitness testimony reliability because someone can be wrongfully convicted.
Literature review:
Eyewitnesses have confirmed that there is a crime in the presence of at least one other eyewitness and talks between eyewitnesses take place approximately 58% of the time (Skage
erg & Wright, 2008). Testimonies by eyewitnesses have an impact on the results of the case (Cutler, Penrod & Dexter, 1990), and therefore ensure that they are sufficient to be used to prevent an unpleasant circumstance when someone is wrongly accused. Due to the high number of co-witness talks and the effect of evidence on prosecution, the influence of co-witness accounts on the credibility of eyewitness testaments is crucial for understanding.
A link was previously formed between unreliable memory recalls and co-testimony (Thorley and Rushton-Woods, 2013) (Bodner, Musch, and Azad's, 2009). Bodner, Mush and Azad (2009) conducted a study analyzing the implications of various forms of co-witness accounts and found that 74% of co-witnesses who mentioned at least one detail gained by a co-witness remembered. Moreover, as Thorley & Kumar (2017) hypothesized, individuals who read the wrong statement were more likely to be accountable when the co-witness gave high confidence.
Before study, however (Thorley & Rushton-Woods 2013), it regularly demonstrates how cotes on eyewitness accuracy have impacts, and also looks at situations of similar stimuli (Thorley & Kumar 2017). These shortcomings are addressed as participants see clips which differ from one another regarding the sex and ethnicity of the perpetrator. It would further investigate the malevolence of eyewitness accounts as the experiment involves variations in ethnography and explores explanations for memory enforcement across the inventory participants.
This study can help in psychology because it allows researchers to understand that some people are more susceptible to others. Researchers may figure out why people might be more vulnerable than other people who are not prone to misinformation and reporting e
ors. The paper also helps to relate the personality traits of Big Fiver to the conformity with memories (Doughty, Paterson, MacCann, & Monds, n.d.). In order to recognize individuals at risk for co-witnesses who can harm an individual's credibility, an article has significant legal consequences.
Research Aim:
The research aims at exploring the impact of co-existence conversations on memory recall performance and the influences that affect memory consistency in various contexts. It discusses established discrepancies in prior studies. There is an expectation that individuals who are co-witnesses who have a similar video about the ethnographic information of the offender would recall more inco
ect data exclusively collected from the co-witness on the reminder questionnaire than situations that show substantially different videos or have no discussion of co-witnesses.
Research Question:
This study looks at social influences in terms of norm and knowledge. The problem of research is how co-witnesses can affect memory enforcement. It can explain in the article how compliance and confidence in eyewitness memory are achieved (Goodwin, Kukucka, & Hawks, 2013). In this study the relationship between familiarity, trust and memory conformity was explored in how dyads remember. The problem of research is how co-witnesses can affect memory enforcement. In this paper, memory conformity can be checked for dyad experience (Condon, Ritchie & Igou, 2015). The study tested the degree to which familiarity and trust inside dyads indicated that the continuity of...

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