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Using the entries in your Annotated Bibliography assignment, write a paper in which you discuss and (if appropriate) take positions on the following in your topic area: Current theories, explanations,...

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Using the entries in your Annotated Bibliography assignment, write a paper in which you discuss and (if appropriate) take positions on the following in your topic area:

  1. Current theories, explanations, proposed relationships among constructs, and absence of theories about meaningful phenomena in your topic area.
  2. Contradictions, inconsistencies, and ambiguities regarding findings related to theories in your topic area.

4-5 pages


.4 is the annotated bibliographies and .6ma is the graded paper that I turned in and the critiques from my professor and the changes required.

Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
121 Votes
Running head: Theories and Contradictions
Theories and Contradictions
Student Name
University Name
Theories and Contradictions
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Juvenile sex offender theories ......................................................................................................... 3
Contradictions, Ambiguities and Inconsistencies in Juvenile sex offender theory ........................ 4
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 6
References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Theories and Contradictions
There are many theories that have been raised to explain why some children and adolescents are
sexually abusive to others. While there is no clear and simple way to solve this situation, sexual
offenses are very complex, but today's widely accepted theory is called "learning theory", which
argues that child sexual abuse is associated with many factors, including exposure Sexual abuse
or violence, early childhood experiences, such as sexual abuse, exposure to child pornography
and advertising, drug abuse, child waking, and exposure to aggressive example or domestic
violence. The earliest theory of children about sexual abuse of others suggests these people
through predictable progress. In this cycle, an event can lead to adolescent negative emotions.
The youth tried to control the reaction, but failed.
Juvenile sex offender theories
Cognitive theory is a widely accepted comprehensive theory of sexual offenses that may be
multi-factorial in nature and provides a
oad and systematic account of how development
experiences, social and cultural learning and development mechanisms combine to create crime-
elated vulnerabilities. According to this argument, factors, such as, the preference for sexual
liking, compassionate deficits, and intimate problems, action control problems, distorted beliefs
or values together leading to individual sexual offenses. Although a single factor, such as,
cognitive distortions, cannot explain why a person is committing a crime, it is still a key part of
the etiology of the problem (Jennings, Zgoba & Tewksbury, 2012). The specific theory of
cognitive distortion is intended to describe the mechanism by which cognitive products are
produced as well as the content and form of these products. Therefore, the theory of cognitive
distortion is a single factor theory, can be seen as a multi-factor interpretation of the charges.
Theories and Contradictions
The theory of cognitive deposits goes beyond the universal belief in juvenile...

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