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Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020


Amit answered on Apr 19 2020
138 Votes
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    Executive summary and description
    Security risk assessment
    Analysis of business requirements
Executive summary and description
The Red Cross blood service of Australia is a dignified service to society. The supply of high quality and safe blood is main motive for this state agency. The transplantation services for boon ma
ow and related organs are also provided by this nonprofit agency. This agency makes division among donor services, culture and citizens, blood manufacturing, services for research and clinical operations and commercial strategy for new innovations. In 2016, an accidental and inadvertently data
each is occu
ed for the donors data. The president of PCP ltd. placed this data file on a public server. Some individual has discovered this data
each and informed the Red Cross agency. The agency takes steps for removing this data
each on same day. For further security, the “privacy act” of 1988 is implemented by commissioner of Australia. As it is a human generated and unintentionally occu
ed issue, but it show the requirement of security in such incidents.
Security risk assessment
The implementation of any IT system has always some chances of threats, security risks and other vulnerabilities in it. In given case of Red Cross blood service of Australia, the possibility of occu
ing threats, security risks and other vulnerabilities can cause serious issues for its donors. The security of sensitive blood donor information will always be maintained by the agency. Allowing any third party for accessing the data base and making it placed on some public server is a serious threat to this system. The medical data is always considered as the most critical and important data for any individual. The hackers can use this blood donor information for some unethical works. Thus, it is very high security risk to allow any third party to place this data file on public server. On public server, any individual can find this file and can make a misuse of this data. The vulnerabilities made by any public individual can cause health issues to some blood receiver [Tomossy et al, 2017].
The Red Cross is responsible to provide supply of high quality and safe blood to some required individuals. The transplantation services for boon ma
ow and related organs are also provided by this agency. The loss of donor data can affect the complete operational activity performed by Red Cross. The safety of human life is main motivation of this agency. But the occu
ed data
each can cause threats to human lives in Australia. As it is a medical related service, so, security of such data is very important. The security loss...

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