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Unit Code: MIS798 Unit Name: Project Management Final Examination T1, 2020 __________________________________________________ DEAKIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW FINAL EXAMINATION TRIMESTER...

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Unit Code: MIS798
Unit Name: Project Management
Final Examination T1, 2020
Unit Code: MIS798
Unit Name: Project Management
Instructions for candidates:
· This examination is open book.
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· Estimated writing time is 2 hours (but you will have 48 hours to complete and submit the exam). 
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· Getting half of the marks available in this exam is a hurdle requirement for passing the unit.
· This exam consists of 4 questions. Answer all the questions.
· This exam paper ca
ies a total of 50 marks. This examination constitutes 50% of your assessment in this unit. 
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List of acronyms:
AC = Actual cost
ACWP = Actual cost of work performed
AUD = Australian Dolla
BAC = Budget at completion
BCWP = Budgeted cost of work performed
BCWS = Budgeted cost of work scheduled
CPI = Cost performance index
CV = Cost variance
DU = Duration
EAC = Estimate at completion
EF = Earliest finish
ES = Earliest start
ETC = Estimate to complete
EV = Earned value
EVM = Earned value management
ID = Task identifier
LS = Latest start
LF = Latest finish
PV = Planned value
SL = Slack time
SPI = Scheduled performance index
SV = Schedule variance
VAC = Variance at completion
Question 1
a) For the table below draw the network diagram and identify the critical path - identify the earliest start (ES), earliest finish (EF), latest start (LS), latest finish (LF) and slack time (SL) for each task. H
< Replace this with your answer
) Using the network diagram you’ve sketched for Question 1 (a), explain how the critical path would impact the project. If a request comes in from the project sponsor to perform schedule compression what would be your response?
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Since the critical part does not have slack, we cannot reduce the schedule but for activities which have slack greater than 0 we can reduce the duration.
(14 Marks)
Question 2
1. Use the Expected Value model to assess the risks for each strategy. Each strategy requires a sum of funds to be invested and as a result produces a different profit pay off.
Assume the probabilities for each state are 30%, 50%, and 20% respectively:
a) Using the concept of Expected Value (payoff table), what strategy should be adopted for making decisions under risk?
Since the 32.6 is the highest value in the list of strategies therefore we s3
For the case of making decisions under complete uncertainty:
) If your organisation takes a pessimistic view, what strategy should be selected?
In case of p v we select strategy 2 coz it gives us the least amount of risk.
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c) If your organisation takes a sore looser attitude (minimising regret), what strategy should be selected?
From the table we can see that 52 is the least value from the list of strategies hence we select 4.
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d) What strategy should be selected if you apply the Laplace criterion?
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Show your workings and provide a short explanation for each of your answers Q2(a) to (d).
(14 Marks)
Question 3
    Table below shows the progress of a project from the A to activity F. Assume there are other activities below activity F that are yet to be completed.
a. Calculate CV and SV for the activities of the project completed so far (A to F).
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. As a project manager you have been asked to report on the status of your project at the end of Activity F. Your stakeholders want to know, based on your EVM analysis of the table above, whether the project is likely to finish on time and within budget. Show your work and justify your answers.
Replace this with your answer
c. Would your conclusions change if activities C and D were the only 2 activities on the critical path? Explain your reasoning.
Replace this with your answer
(12 Marks)
Question 4
a) Consider the organisation you were working for when completing the group project for this unit. Give a
ief (two sentence) description of the organisation. Regardless of the organisational structure that was actually in play, assume the matrix structure is to be used. Using bullet points, outline the key advantages and disadvantages of using the matrix structure in that organisation.
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) Considering the same organisation as in Question (a), explain what is meant by “Quality should be baked into the product or service, not inspected into it”. Be sure to contextualise your answer in the applicable organisation.
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(10 Marks)
Page 2 of 2

MIS798 T1 2020 Assignment Part A
MIS798 - Project Management - T1 2020
Project Plan for Sainsbury
Student Name: Manoj Sangwan
Total Word Count- 3613
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Part-A Group project plan    5
1.Proposal and feasibility    5
1.1 SWOT Analysis    5
1.2 PESTLE analysis    6
1.3    Project feasibility and suitability    7
2.Project organisation    7
2.1 Organisational structure    7
2.2 Dependency    7
2.3 Economies of scale    8
2.4 Organisation size    8
3. Management issues & effectiveness    8
3.1 Management style    8
3.2 Conflicts    9
3.3 Strategy    10
3.4 Application of 360-degree appraisal    11
3.5 Controlling outsourcing    11
3.6 Success variables    12
4. Plan    13
4.1 Statement of Work    13
4.2 Specification for the project    13
4.3 Work
eak down structure    14
4.4 Schedule, milestones and dependencies    14
4.5 Slack time, earliest start and latest finishing for the project    16
5. Resource and cost plan    16
5.1 Cost and pricing    16
5.2 Probable risks which might affect costing and schedule    17
5.3 Proposal for monitoring performance    17
6. Project risk assessment    18
6.1 Identify and classify the project risks associated with the project    18
6.2 Recommend exemplary methods for risk response/mitigation    18
Conclusion    19
References    20
Sainsbury, which is one of the leading retail supermarket chains in UK is chosen in this report as the main organisation. This report analyses Sainsbury’s project management aspect regarding a project “Acquisition and instalment of new computers and software into Sainsbury”, determines the management issues and the ways to overcome obstacles. The report demonstrates scope for the organization regarding the project and its effectiveness due to the utilization of proper resources. Furthermore, this report provides with the ideas and information regarding internal and external strengths of Sainsbury in attaining desired goals and objectives. The report concludes that in order to have a competitive advantage and to reach its desired goals, the organisation should be effective and efficient in managing every project.
Part-A Group project plan
1.Proposal and feasibility
1.1 SWOT Analysis
· Established
and value of the organization.
· Loyalty and reliability of the employees and customers.
· Available funds within organization to manage resources and complete tasks.
· Improved quality of services due to the organizational resource capability.
· Financial crisis for its product development project as they are focusing to improve transaction and services.
· Sainsbury does not contain required technological experts for handling issues to install and manage the computers and software (Lundin, et al., 2015).
· Customers and employees in rural areas are not aware of operating computer and updated software properly.
· The organization like Sainsbury could diversify their business with the support of modern system.
· They can take benefits towards coping with the new trends in the marketplace.
· Sainsbury could reduce their requirement of excessive employees by increasing range of computers and software.
· Frequent changes in the technological system can enable complexity to conduct operations.
· It could increase turnover rate of the employees in different stores of the Sainsbury due to lack of computer knowledge.
· Strong competitors like Tesco and Aldi could force the organization in facing tough competition.
1.2 PESTLE analysis
    In case of investing capital in different
anches of UK for installing new computer and software, the organization could face complexities due to the political issues such as: Brexit. It effects on the organization as creating issues towards getting return or increased taxation rates of the technologies.
    When the businesses like Sainsbury is adopting new project to reach their desired goal, then organisation must consider the economic factors like inflation, growth of economy, interest rate and unemployment for making better decisions (Bondarenko, et al., 2018).
    Based on the social criteria like age, career attitude, safety measures and lifestyle of employees, Sainsbury could think of installing new computer. Whereas in some stores, aged employees might not have required knowledge and experience to operate computers, which could impact negatively on this project.
    The authority of the Sainsbury has to look upon the available technological system in the market as well as identifying their rate to change based on period (Brewer, et al., XXXXXXXXXXOrganization should install software and computer by increasing awareness of technology among employees and customers.
    There are different legal issues like employment laws, copyright and patent laws along with health and safety laws available in the market, which should have followed by the Sainsbury before taking actions and managing the project.
    In case of managing a project, the Sainsbury needs to consider the impact of project on the environment
Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2021 MIS798 Deakin University


Harshit answered on Jun 11 2021
148 Votes
Answer to question 4
a) Sainsbury ranks second in the UK in the supermarket chain holding approximately 16% market share of the sector of the supermarket. It started as a small shop in 1869 and is the second-largest chain in the UK. Sainsbury has more than 2400 stores across the country and also serves the customers online.
Following are the advantages of the Matrix structure in Sainsbury:
· The control of the projects remains in the hands of the...

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