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TSTA602 Assignment 2 May 11, 2020 Instructions. This assignment has a total of 30 marks and worth 30% of the final grade of TSTA602. The detailed marks allocation are provided at the beginning of each...

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TSTA602 Assignment 2 May 11, 2020 Instructions. This assignment has a total of 30 marks and worth 30% of the final grade of TSTA602. The detailed marks allocation are provided at the beginning of each question. You are encouraged to discuss the assignment with your peers, but must write down your own solution. This assignment is due at 5pm on Friday of Week 11 (12th June, XXXXXXXXXXPlease submit your assignment on Moodle before the deadline. Scenario. You, as a property investor, are interested in understanding which factor (or factors) drives the prices of investment properties. A dataset is collected which contains the prices (in thousand dollars, as denoted by apart price) for 50 onebedroom apartments in city X, their corresponding rents per week (in dollars, as denoted by rent) and the costs to hold each of these properties per week (in dollars, as denoted by cost of property). Following the procedures below to analyse the dataset ’assign2 data.csv’ by using Rstudio. Please only include relevant outputs from Rstudio in your solution and attach the R codes as appendice. (a). (2 marks) Import the data into Rstudio, draw two scatter plots: apart price versus rent and apart price versus cost. (b). (4 marks) Fit the following two linear models: Model 1: apart price = b0 + b1 × rent Model 2: apart price = c0 + c1 × cost Write down the equations of the two models with correct coefficients. (c). (4 marks) Comment on the significance of all coefficients obtained from (b) based on the p-values (from the outputs of Rtudio). The significance level is XXXXXXXXXXd). (6 marks) Produce residual plots for each model in (b), comment on each plot. (e). (4 marks) Produce normal qq plots for each model in (b), and comment on each plot. (f). (3 marks) Fit the following linear model: Model 3: apart price = d0 + d1rent + d2cost Write down the equation of the model with correct coefficients. 1 (g). (3 marks) Comment on the significance of all coefficients obtained from (f) based on the p-values (from the outputs of Rtudio). The significance level is XXXXXXXXXXh). (2 marks) Compare Model 1 and Model 3, explain which one is better. (i). (2 marks) Given rent = 810 and cost = 800, predict the prices under Model 1 and Model 3. 2
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021 TECO601


Preeta answered on Jun 02 2021
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Explanation of the Crisis of 2007 – 2009
The 2007–08 financial crash, also called the GFC, was a significant global economic downturn. Many economists considered the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It triggered a global recession feels particularly in the economies of North America. It is in the eurozone and was deemed the trigger behind the worst global recession of the 21st century. At the same time, the Great Lockdown of 2020 was eventually overshadowed.
In 2007, the recession started with a subprime mortgage collapse in the U.S., and the collapse of Lehman Brothers' investment bank on 15 September 2008 led to an international banking crisis. Excessive risk-taking by banks, including Lehman Brothers, has led to magnifying the global financial effect. Large financial institutions and other palliatives monetary and fiscal policies were used to prevent a possible collapse of the world financial system (Dreher, 2019). Nevertheless, the depression was accompanied by the Global Recession. In the wake of U.S. sub-pressure, Asian economies such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, and India became impacted and volatilized instantly. The European debt crisis, a crisis in the European countries' banking system using the euro, followed later.
Effect of the Crisis on the USA's GDP in long-run
The global recession was severe and enduring. It has reinforced the concern that the cu
ent downturn could, unlike previous recessions, have a permanent and lasting impact on future economic growth. The study of recent trends in U.S. economic growth components suggests a significant slowdown in future growth compared to pre-crisis forecasts. Still, many reviews say that the strike is related only to the recession marginally. The primary emphasis was on a drop in the engagement rate of workers (Ridder, 2017). The most significant part of the shift was attributed to historically established variations in the population's demography system. The cyclical effect is assigned to a relatively flat portion of the downturn. Thus, cyclical improvement is not feasible, and membership is expected to begin to decrease in the years to come. Studies of recessions in the United States demonstrate their transitory effect on demand development with no evidence of permanent impact on potential production. By contrast, many international studies conclude that the effects of severe financial crises are significant, with persistent effects extending beyond ten years and perhaps longer. The pace of change of the TFP has decreased as well, but most researchers conclude that the decline occu
ed due to the crisis. They always believe that the more moderate pace of change persists in future, but fight the crisis.
The effect on the U.S. inflation rate in the long-term
Survey indicators from the 2007 recession stayed relatively steady during the pre-crisis oil price boom and when the recession progressed in the central bank comfort zone. Expectations from inflation-indexed debt and inflation derivatives show a considerable rise in uncertainty since 2007. Their vulnerability to inflation reports and other domestic macroeconomic factors has increased since 2006. In particular, during the time of intensified volatility triggered by Lehman Brothers' failure during September 2008, central banks responded dramatically to monetary policy by utilizing traditional and non-conventional instruments.
While liquidity premia and technical factors have affected inflation-indexed markets substantially since the beginning of the crisis, it has been observed that they have not poisoned the macro-economic news and financial market inflation at a regular pace. That is why the conclusion applies to all three economies. During the crisis, long-term inflation expectations were decreased (KC and Bhattacharyya, 2018). Future studies must examine how the degree to which anchoring properties have changed during this crisis depends on monetary mechanisms, such as inflation-oriented policies for combating the effect of the crisis. In their opinion, monetary authorities were primarily focused on the determination of the cu
ency transmission mechanism and on reducing the impact on the real economy of financial instability. It seems to have influenced the opinions of the market investor on central banks' legitimacy in fighting inflation following a crisis, 
effect of 2007 crisis on USA's labor market in long-run
The phenomenon shows that the one-time transition of work vacancies in sectors, for example, finance and manufacturing, specifically influenced by a financial crisis. It could also be a sign, however, that the financial crisis is now affecting the economy as a whole by increasing the costs of obtaining external finance.
Data from the United States demonstrate that banks cu
ently apply very high standards in lending to non-financial firms. While the lending requirements are continually being strengthened, until the first quarter of 2008, the amount of non-financial loans rose at high levels. Credit development declined in July 2008, hardly by mistake, with the increase in significant layoffs. While the condition persists, thanks to considerable policy and central bank measures – has been somewhat alleviated, the high cost of capital is expected to continue in the...

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