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1 Trek Wars Purpose: classes, inheritance, class diagrams Description Universal Merriment Development (UMD) is creating an online space battle game called (Trek Wars). You are tasked with...

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Trek Wars
Purpose: classes, inheritance, class diagrams
Universal Me
iment Development (UMD) is creating an online space battle game called (Trek Wars). You are tasked with
creating some classes for this game. You just have to just write the classes and test it, not the whole game. A description
of the classes is given below:
Figure 1: Graphics from the game.
enum Alignment{us, them, chaotic};
Ship (the base class) attributes
name : string
alignment : Alignment
x_location : int
y_location : int
ange: int
ent_health : int
attack_power: int
max_health: int
__init__(name:string, x : int , y : int , alignment : Alignment , max_health : integer, range :int, attack_power : int )
attack(target: Ship) : None # does attack_power damage to the target ship if it is within range
get_type() : string #’’Battleship’’, ’’Cruiser’’, ’’Corvette’’, ’’Repairship’’
get_x():int # returns the x coordinate
get_y():int # returns the y coordinate
get_alignment():Alignment # returns the alignment
status () : string # see format below
move() : None # changes position by the amount of that type of ship and increases health by 1 (until max reached)
change_alignment() : None # changes the alignment. # us changes to them, them changes to - chaotic never changes
assess_damage(amount : int) : None # changes the health by amount, keeping it within bounds [0,maxHealth]

Battleship(derived from the Ship class) range is 10, max_health =100 ,attack_power = 10,
torpedoes = 10
move() #always moves along the vector (-1, -1)
attack(target: Ship ) : None # attacks and fires ( if torpedo >0 it does an additional 10 damage, 1 less torpedo )
status () : string # also indicates number of torpedoes
Cruiser (derived from Ship class) range is 50, max_health =50, attack_power = 5
move() : None # always moves along the vector (1, 2)
attack(target: Ship) : None
Corvette (derived from Ship class) range is 25, max_health =20
move() : None # always moves along the vector (5, 5)
attack(target: Ship ) : None # Everyone loves corvettes so their attack
# flips ships in range to its state (if self is us, turns them to us, if self is them, turns us to them)
# change_alignment
Repair (derived from Cruiser class) range is 25, max_health = 20
attack(target: Ship ) : None # its attack repairs a ship of own kind to max health
No input
For status() return a string:
location: (xLoc, yLoc)
torpedoes: # only if this is a battleship
Except for repair ships, attacks only work if the target of the attack is of the opposite alignment and in range. By opposite
alignment, it means (us attacks them and them attacks us). Chaotic ships attack everyone. Repair ships only attack (in this case
epair), ships of the same alignment.
What to turn in
Submit a UML diagram and code, including UnitTests for 100% code coverage
Answered 4 days After Jan 21, 2023


Vikas answered on Jan 21 2023
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