Topical Essays
choose any two topics (Except Religion and the Death Penalty) from the assignment schedule in the syllabus for your 2 essays -as long as they do not overlap with your research paper or the discussion topics (noted in the weekly schedule below). The topical essays should be 3-5 pages in length and demonstrate a command of the assigned reading for the relevant week, e.g., an overview of one topic related to the death penalty; relevant Court findings or empirical findings; your “reaction” to the Court’s ruling or the empirical findings based on what you have learned in this course or other outside, scholarly information. Please avoid using unsubstantiated opinion in your work; you should support your statements. The due dates for the essays are noted in the schedule.
Future DangerousnessIncapacitationCostMitigation
Associated readings:
*Barefoot v. Estelle,463 U.S XXXXXXXXXX)
Mandery XXXXXXXXXX; 65-84
Mandery 85-104
*Mills v. Maryland,466 U.S XXXXXXXXXX)
*Oregon v. Guzek,126 S.Ct XXXXXXXXXX)
*Cruz v. Arizona (2022) [future dangerousness and incapacitation]
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