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Topical Essayschoose any two topics (Except Religion and the Death Penalty) from the assignment schedule in the syllabus for your 2 essays -as long as they do not overlap with your research paper or...

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Topical Essays

choose any two topics (Except Religion and the Death Penalty) from the assignment schedule in the syllabus for your 2 essays -as long as they do not overlap with your research paper or the discussion topics (noted in the weekly schedule below). The topical essays should be 3-5 pages in length and demonstrate a command of the assigned reading for the relevant week, e.g., an overview of one topic related to the death penalty; relevant Court findings or empirical findings; your “reaction” to the Court’s ruling or the empirical findings based on what you have learned in this course or other outside, scholarly information. Please avoid using unsubstantiated opinion in your work; you should support your statements. The due dates for the essays are noted in the schedule.


Future Dangerousness

Associated readings:


*Barefoot v. Estelle,463 U.S XXXXXXXXXX)

Mandery XXXXXXXXXX; 65-84

Mandery 85-104


*Mills v. Maryland,466 U.S XXXXXXXXXX)

*Oregon v. Guzek,126 S.Ct XXXXXXXXXX)

*Cruz v. Arizona (2022) [future dangerousness and incapacitation]

Answered 2 days After Sep 20, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Sep 23 2024
4 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Incapacitation and its Process    3
Conclusion    6
References    7
There are several types of criminal proceedings and sentencing that are based on the type and nature of the committed crime. The intensity of crime defines the judgment given to the offenders which may last imprisonment for new months or years, or strict life time imprisonment or even execution. Out of which one such judgment process is incapacitation which is often given to those offenders who have committed the most heinous crime. This type of judgment is given to those offenders who have committed either murder or more heinous crime. Incapacitation is the process of removing those offenders from the society and restricts their freedom to lead a normal life. Therefore, in this essay a detailed discussion is conducted on a detailed analysis of the criminal proceedings that are done to those offenders and in what ways the process of incapacitation had evolved over the years in punishing those people who are involved with the heinous crimes.
Incapacitation and its Process
The prime objective of practicing incapacitation in the criminal proceedings is to remove those offenders from the society for a long time to protect the people of the society from the 0offenders dreadful act. As discussed by Al Weswasi (2024) that the history of incapacitation starts from several years and during the era of 1950s, where it became more political in nature in the United States where lawmakers, policy makers, and cele
ities from multiple sectors have used the agenda of incapacitation for their own personal agenda. Some of them have supported the process of collective incapacitation where heinous offenders are removed from the society by providing them with life-time imprisonment. It was seemed as the process of removing the inclination of the offenders from committing those heinous crimes. Nevertheless, some of them have even supported for capital punishment and over the time that become a major discussion and attracted controversy over its effectiveness.
The number of imprisonment had increased significantly over the time, particularly during the 1990s when imprisonment increased and policy makers once again started to discuss to alter the delivery of the incapacitation process for the criminals. Bird et al. (2022) have further discussed that during the era of 1990s, policy makers have come up with an idea of implementing the “three strikes” policy which increased the confinement into strict prison for a longer time, even for the entire life. It is mainly introduced with a view of the offence committed by the offenders previously that labeled them as serial offenders. It paved the philosophical...

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