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TOPIC IS: The Importance of Studying HumanitiesYour research paper should be designed to persuade your reader for or against a particular proposition -- fact, value, or policy. You should develop 3-5...

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TOPIC IS: The Importance of Studying Humanities

Your research paper should be designed to persuade your reader for or against a particular proposition -- fact, value, or policy. You should develop 3-5 main points making at least one of the points memorable -- a finding or claim that causes your reader to pause and reflect.

Structure of Paper:

3 full pages in length with 3 sources -- 4th page -- bibliography.

Divide into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion

Include formal headings and page numbers

MLA research style (typed and double-spaced -- 12 point font)

Format Reminder:


Offer an opening (hook) and preview what will be discussed in the paper (thesis statement). This will be your first paragraph.


This portion is the bulk of your paper and includes main points, supporting details, and citations. It should also include supporting evidence as well as the discussion of your research.


Review your findings, tie up loose ends, refer back to the introduction, and come to a final conclusion.


Your bibliography should include works actually cited in the paper, rather than sources you merely collected. You must use these sources to support your ideas -- acknowledge all sources used -- avoid plagiarism.

Note: Reference for sample papers and bibliographies

Answered 2 days After Apr 22, 2024


Dipali answered on Apr 25 2024
19 Votes
Last Name     2
Introduction    3
Body    3
Fostering Empathy and Understanding    3
Cultivating Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills    4
Preserving Cultural Heritage and Identity    5
Memorable Point: Bridging the Humanities-STEM Divide    5
Conclusion    6
Work Cited    7
In a world where science and technology are taking centre stage, the humanities are frequently left out of the conversation in schools. Their importance, nevertheless, cannot be emphasised. The humanities include fields like philosophy, art, history, literature, and cultural studies. These fields provide deep understanding of society's intricacies and the human condition. This essay argues that the study of the humanities is crucial for a well-rounded education and the advancement of society, not to mention that it is relevant. The humanities promote empathy, critical thinking, and cultural understanding via the investigation of many viewpoints, na
atives, and cultural settings. Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to resolve moral quandaries, have meaningful conversations, and make valuable contributions to a more aware and caring global community by exploring the complexities of human emotions, values, and societal institutions. This essay will look at the many advantages of studying the humanities and make the case for keeping it at the top of the list of subjects taught in schools.
Fostering Empathy and Understanding
The humanities facilitate access to a range of viewpoints and help people develop empathy and understanding for one another. By investigating literature, art, history, and philosophy, students come across a diverse range of human experiences that surpass both geographical and chronological limitations. Especially in literature, readers are given the chance to live inside the heads of people from different backgrounds, which helps them develop empathy by introducing them to strange places and viewpoints. Through reading stories that portray the hardships, victories, and complexity of many people, readers gain a greater understanding of the humanity that all people share.
The study of history also helps students develop empathy for the hardships and triumphs of individuals from the past by illuminating the experiences of many civilizations and communities. Students tackle the intricacies of human relationships, including conflicts, revolutions, and social movements, by looking at primary sources and conducting historical research (Dillon, Sarah &...

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