4 IRR Assignment Details
CCJ6362 RVC 1248
Topical Essays
You will be asked to write 2 topical essays throughout
the class (formal essay style, size 12 Times New Roman
font, double spaced, default margins, APA Style).
Topical Essays must be submitted through the Turnitin
link on Canvas.
You may choose any two topics (Except Religion and
the Death Penalty) from the assignment schedule in
the syllabus for your 2 essays - as long as they do
not overlap with your research paper or the
discussion topics (noted in the weekly schedule
elow). The topical essays should be 3-5 pages in
length and demonstrate a command of the assigned
eading for the relevant week, e.g., an overview of one
topic related to the death penalty; relevant Court
findings or empirical findings; your “reaction” to the
Court's ruling or the empirical findings based on what
you have learned in this course or other outside,
scholarly information. Please avoid using
unsubstantiated opinion in your work; you should
support your statements. The due dates for the essays
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