Issues with Bring Bass pro shop to Germany
1. Political Risks/Legal Risks: Semi automatic rifles such as AR-15s for example are illegal in Germany along with pump action shot guns. Because of these restrictions on firearm sales this could require bass pro shop to change some of their inventory which could cause financial problems.
2. Stricter Gun laws: Requirements for a firearm license are stricter in Germany. Because of these restrictions on firearm sales this could require bass pro shop to change some of their inventory which could cause financial problems.
3. The Societal culture: su
ounding outdoors activities such as hunting and fishing in Germany compared to America.
4. The Language ba
ier between German and English.
5. Negotiations: Negotiations with the German government for the co
ect licenses to sell their products. Also negotiation with land owners
usiness owners on locations to put stores.
6. Growth potential and customer demand: Making sure we place stores in areas of Germany where there will be a high need for outdoors supplies to allow the business to be profitable and grow.
7. Cross Cultural Interaction: Having never been a company to venture out of America this could cause problems when sharing knowledge or aligning our company with already established German company.
8. Organizational Structure: Finding a structure that works best within the company given the people we will be hiring in Germany.
9. Staffing: Find staff that are passionate about the outdoors that will be working for us.
10. Knowledge Transfer: Ensuring that our management team and staff are knowledgeable about the people and products we will be selling them too.
11. Cultural sensitivity: Ensuring that we identify the values and beliefs of those with whom we hire and are able to use those to motivate them to want to work for us.