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Topic 1: Special characteristics of purely competitive firms 1. How does the investment banks industry fit into the perfectly competitive model? 2. Does pure competition, as a market model, have any...

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Topic 1: Special characteristics of purely competitive firms

1. How does the investment banks industry fit into the perfectly competitive model?

2. Does pure competition, as a market model, have any disadvantages for a) producers, and b) consumers? Give examples to substantiate your response.

Topic 2: Analyze the conditions required for pure competition to exist in the real world

1. Is pure competition a "desirable" market model for all industries? Should industries aspire for pure competition? Why or why not?

2. Think of an industry that does not function in a purely competitive market currently. Describe the changes that would be required, if this industry wanted to function under pure competition.

Answered Same Day Dec 29, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 29 2021
122 Votes
Topic 1: Special Characteristics of Purely competitive firms
A purely competitive market is characterized as a market with large number of
uyers, large numbers of sellers with no one having enough market power of
influencing market price, products are homogeneous, free entry and exit and there
is perfect knowledge about the market conditions among the participants of the
The main characteristics of this market and their implications can be explained as
1. Large number of seller: This is an important feature of perfectly competitive
market. Sellers are in very large numbers in perfectly competitive market and this
number is that much large that if one of them stops supplying product, it will not
affect total supply of the product and hence will not have any impact on the market
price. So firms in this market behave as price taker.
2. Large number of buyers: Buyers are also in very large number in perfectly
competitive market and this number is so much large that even if one of them
stops demanding the good, it will not affect market demand and hence will not have
any impact on market price.
3. Homogeneous products: Products in this market are homogeneous in all
espect, for example, they are homogenous in terms of name, quality,
packaging, size etc. So their price is also homogeneous and determined by the
4. No selling cost: Since products in this market are homogeneous and also there
is uniformity in term of price as it is determined by market, so there is no need for
selling cost or advertisement cost in this market.
5. Free entry and exit: Here in this market, there are no ba
iers to entry and
exit. Firms are free to enter and exit. Because of this feature, firms in this market
always earn normal profit in the long run: if firms are making loss in the market,
then in the long run some firms will leave the market which will reduce the market
supply and thereby will increase the market price to the point where all the firms
earn normal profit whereas if firms are making super normal profit in the short run,
then in the long run more firms will enter the market which will increase the market
supply and thereby will decrease the price to the level where all firms in the market
earn just normal profit. Therefore each firm in the long run will earn normal profit.
6. Perfect knowledge: In this market all the participants have perfect knowledge
about the market. For example: buyers know...

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