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Today success of HR practitioners largely depends upon how agile they are in responding to the constant challenges happening in the internal and external environment. Given this backdrop, identify one...

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Today success of HR practitioners largely depends upon how agile they are in responding to the constant challenges happening in the internal and external environment. Given this backdrop, identify one either internal or external environmental factor from the Environmental Influences Model (see figure 2.16 of the textbook) and examine how a recent or proposed change in your chosen environmental factor can impact or has impacted the HR planning, job design and quality of work practices in your organisation or an industry you are working/familiar with. As an HR practitioner, suggest a set of justified recommendations for your top management on how to respond to the changing environmental influences impacting the given HR practices.

Answered Same Day Aug 18, 2020 BUHRM5912


Shanaaya answered on Aug 18 2020
144 Votes
HR Practices-Coles
    HR Practices-Coles
*    2018
[HR Practices-Coles]
This report highlights the aspects of the HRM strategies which are inculcated & used by the Coles Supermarkets. We would be evaluating the Reward Management along with the strategy inbuilt of the Performance Management. One can count on the core competence and visionary business ideas and the goal of the organization Coles which can be defined as per the room for improvement. For any organization, it is important to consider the HR practitioner & include the predefined strategy which is the Reward management along with the successful implementation of the program which can allow
idging the gap which is working on the operational loss (weakness) along with the working of the optimum performance (desired goal). If the organization, does not build a proper successful program, it would lead to chaos, conflicts & more problematic situation. For the smooth working of the organization, it is important to develop effective strategies which are built on the performance-based programs along with the rationality of the rewards management. It has been observed, in any organization too little or too many rewards lead to a conflicting situation. The employees desire to have a good rewarding programs which can balance the individual contribution in terms of the production and the quality work It is also important for the organization to strategically built & incorporate the employees skillset to match with the rewarding program, as of the organization has a low desired outcome from an employee it would lead low output and again, there would be a gap in the organization goals & vision. It is important for the organization to develop a transparent & unbiased rewards & performance management program, which can help in the organization to build in the long-term strategy & growth outcome with respect to organization goals.
It has been seen that the methodology is built by the Coles organization is focused on the Performance Management of the employees which can allow the Coles employees to progress in terms of the personal & professional goals. The Coles HR practices are pretty efficient and effective which have analyzed to deliver positive outcomes for the organization. The Performance Management tool in the Coles organization has allowed to build on the terms of evaluation and ensuring strategic employee activities which are lined up and matched with the organization's goals & objectives.
Constant challenges happening in the internal and external environment
Internal factors
During the conflicting recession situation, the Wesfarmers have tried to introduce the new strategy of including the British employees within the Coles Company set up. This was done during the 2007 global financial crisis (GFC), which lead to the new workplace culture within the Coles. It was also during this time, the company Wesfarmers hired the Ian Mcleod as Managing Director at Coles which he reigned from May 2008. One can see as the hired MD had a rich experience in the British along with the European retailing, there was a great zeal to introduce the senior executive roles which were taking place within the United Kingdom retailer Asda. It was also considered as a key role to take place within the recovery set up and churning of the turnaround program which reigned in the 1990s. it was evident that the company needed to have an inbuilt growth strategy which required to be implied after the new managers along with the MD have joined the company, Coles. This also lead to the introduction of the renewed investment in terms of the high value along with building a strategical stronger supplier and partnerships which can focus on the improved quality. The focus also changed on the simpler policies and developing an innovative new coles
and design along with liberating the leverage of the supply chain, which attributed to the chaos & conflicting situation. The company also tried to rationalize the investment within the team members along with the focus to build and develop a newer and bigger store which can
and as a store refu
ishment etc. There was also a strategical approach to adopt measures for the operations for the Coles as it required to incorporate the new employees who were required to develop and build on different skills which required to achieve the strategies. 
As Coles company tried to introduce the performance management along with the balancing of the rewards structure, it had allowed the company to adopt adaptive strategies & measures.
External Environment
It is important for the company HR to constantly evaluate the external changes which are taking place with respect to the political, economic, technology & legal angle.
In terms of the legal environment, for example, one can see that there are various recruitment policies and procedures to introduce the retention policies which have taken place in the Coles organization such as the inclusion of the ‘Fair Work Act’ and the ‘Equal...

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