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Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. You have been provided with an observation checklist that must be complete...

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Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. You have been provided with an observation checklist that must be complete and tasks to be observed by a workplace supervisor. The observations and third party details must be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. This is located in your HBA Learner Folder.

You should be able to demonstrate you can:

ü Performing a skill or task that is asked of you

ü Undertaking a simulation exercise

ü Establish a learning environment that reflects children’s interests

ü Provide opportunities that stimulate learning and development

ü Design, implement and evaluate learning experiences for children

ü Support children to participate

Answered 17 days After May 21, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Jun 08 2022
95 Votes

About This Workbook    2
Delivery Mode    4
Locked Documents    4
Elements of Assessment    4
Checking off Assessment Tasks    5
Submitting Assessment Workbooks    5
Support Available    6
Activity Checklist and Declaration    6
Learner Declaration    7
Section 1 – Establish a learning environment that reflects children’s interests    8
Section 2 – Provide opportunities that stimulate learning and development    9
Section 3 – Design, implement and evaluate learning experiences for children    11
Section 4 – Support children to participate    13
Section 5 – Skill and knowledge    15
About This Workbook
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. You have been provided with an observation checklist that must be complete and tasks to be observed by a workplace supervisor. The observations and third party details must be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. This is located in your HBA Learner Folder.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
Undertaking a simulation exercise
Establish a learning environment that reflects children’s interests
Provide opportunities that stimulate learning and development
Design, implement and evaluate learning experiences for children
Support children to participate
Observation is on-the-jo
The observation will usually require:
Performing a work based skill or task
Interaction with colleagues and/or customers
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration.
This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the Learner Guide and also requires you to undertake research and demonstrate the knowledge and co
esponding skills that will be needed for the assessment activities. The work you complete in this workbook will be used as evidence to contribute to your overall competence.
There is one (1) Workbook for this Unit of Competency. Read and consider all of the information for each activity prior to commencing the activities.
Activities within this workbook will be assessed holistically throughout. All sections in this workbook must be completed prior to submitting for assessment.
The qualification CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, comprising of 28 Units of Competency (23 Core units & 5 Elective units)
    CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
    Core Units of Competency:
    Promote Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander cultural safety
    Analyse information to inform learning
    Develop cultural competence
    Design and implement the cu
iculum to foster children's learning and development
    Ensure the health and safety of children
    Embed sustainable practices in service operations
    Provide care for children
    Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children
    Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
    Work legally and ethically
    Provide care for babies and toddlers
    Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
    Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
    Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
    Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
    Maintain work health and safety
    Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
    Elective Units of Competency:
    Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood
    Work with diverse people
    Nurture creativity in children
    Develop and implement policy
    Facilitate compliance in an education and care services
    Use information about children to inform practice
    Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviou
    Provide experiences to support children’s playing and learning
    Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
    Organise personal work priorities and development
Workbook Instructions
Delivery Mode
Please read the following information regarding completion options relating to the delivery mode you are enrolled in.
Intensive Delivery
Due to the nature of competency based training, learners will progress through their workbook activities at different completion rates. For this reason, some learners may have homework requirements to complete required sections of Workbook during the delivery of the course.
Learners will not be deemed Competent CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, until all required Workbooks have been submitted, assessed and deemed Satisfactory.
Self-Paced Delivery
Learners undertaking CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care through Self-Paced Delivery are encouraged to complete and submit this Workbook and commence the next workbook as required without having received an outcome of this Workbook.
NOTE: Remember you have 24 hour access to our discussion forum as well as regular access to our trainer and assessors via phone or email. If you do require assistance please call 1300721503 or email [email protected]
Locked Documents
HBA assessment materials are ‘Locked’ with restricted editing. This means you can only write in the coloured
ackets provided. We do this to ensure the integrity of our documents can be maintained.
If your software is not compatible with a locked document and you are having any issues typing into the
ackets, refer to HBA Learning Centres Support Centre https: or contact HBA at [email protected].
Elements of Assessment
The elements of each activity in this workbook need to be undertaken, completed, and returned to HBA electronically for assessment. Any additional information or evidence supplied by the learner to support their assessments should be returned with this workbook.
In undertaking an activity in this workbook you may be asked to:
· Answer questions;
· Conduct research;
· Complete templates.
Some activities may require you to undertake internet or other research. This research assists in meeting competency requirements and in completing assigned activities.
This workbook:
· The Learner Guide has been designed to provide you with ample amount of background information to assist you with understanding each Unit of Competency. Use the Learner Guide, the Learner Resources Folder and conduct some additional research to formulate your answers.
· It is essential that your answer addresses all components of the question adequately, simply copying and pasting content that more or less answers the question is not appropriate. You can copy and paste content from other sources, but you must modify/paraphrase it to meet the question requirements and demonstrate your understanding of key concepts, ideas and models.
· Provide a response to each question
equest in the left hand column of the table below. Your responses should be entered into the adjacent area in the right hand column. Answers need to contain enough information and detail to demonstrate a sound understanding of the area/s the question relates to.
· It is not acceptable to use the example provided for you under the question in your own response.
· Read the questions to ensure you are providing what has been asked for.
· Answers do not need to be overly expansive, but they do need to have sufficient information to clearly answer the question and demonstrate your understanding.
Checking off Assessment Tasks
As you complete each activity, it is recommended you check it off against the supplied activity checklist and attach any additional supplementary evidence required to meet competency. In signing off on each activity you are declaring that YOU have undertaken the specified task(s). Where it is verified that a learner fraudulently signed off on an assessment item as being their own work when it is not, competency will be withheld and the relevant authorities notified.
· Once you answer the question, re-read the question to make sure you have covered off on all requirements.
· It is not appropriate to use the example provided for you in your answer.
Submitting Assessment Workbooks
Only completed assessment activity items with appropriate evidence which is valid under the Registering Authority guidelines, and the terms of the RTO and its authorised delegates will be used toward determining competence.
You must submit your assessments in the Workbooks provided in their original format.
Untidy, unclear, or hard to decipher material will be returned to the learner without assessment being conducted. HBA will not undertake assessment until the evidence supplied is in a format that meets the professional standard required by those working in leadership roles in the workplace.
Workbooks will only be assessed when all activities have been completed. Where a Workbook is submitted with activities not complete, this is a formal submission and you will be deemed Not Satisfactory, with 2 submission attempts remaining.
All assessment tasks and supporting evidence must to be electronically sent (e-mailed) to HBA for assessment at: [email protected].
Support Available
1. Discussion Forum: Many questions related to the course have already been answered on the Learner Discussion Forum, this should be your first point of call. If it has not been addressed, then post your questions there.
1. IT Tips: Outlines software compatibility for workbooks, how to split pages, zip files etc.
1. Email: You can also direct more specific or non-course related questions to [email protected] (e.g. assessment turnaround times, help unlocking workbooks, assistance using the forum, etc.)
1. Telephone support: Call 1300 721 503 for short conversations (less than 10 minutes) to get quick and direct answers.
1. Face-to-Face or Telephone Tutorials: 1 Hour sessions by request ($50p/hr).
Activity Checklist and Declaration
The activity checklist on this page and the declaration on the next page need to be completed prior to submitting your workbook for assessment.
    Section 1
    Question 1 to 6
    Section 2
    Question 1 to 8
    Section 3
    Question 1 to 9
    Section 4
    Question 1 to 10
    Section 5
    Question 1 to 21
Learner Declaration
I declare that I have personally completed all activities in this workbook.
I understand that competency will not be given if I do not meet the assessment evidence and activity requirements or if it is discovered that I have not undertaken all expected tasks.
I understand that HBA reserves the right to immediately withdraw a qualification if it is found that I provided false or misleading evidence, this includes any declaration, resource or tool I have submitted as being authored by me that I have submitted.
I further note this includes any statement, whether written or spoken, by any witness or other third party I have used to provide testimony, or any other evidence which serves to allow HBA Assessors to make an Assessment decision.
I understand HBA may, at its own discretion and without notice contact any third party I have used to provide testimony or any other evidence to HBA Assessors. If HBA forms a reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of such evidence, then it shall withdraw any issued qualification without notice.
    Name (print):
* Electronic signature is acceptable
Course Completion Date:
* CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care – you are given 18 months from enrolment to complete this course. An extension may be granted in exceptional circumstances.
NOTE there will be an administration fee applied for extensions. Extensions must be applied for during course...

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