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Thorough critique of the strengths and limitations of public health interventions. 20 marks □ Detailed analysis and understanding of the strengths of public health interventions □ Detailed analysis...

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Thorough critique of the strengths and limitations of public health interventions. 20 marks □ Detailed analysis and understanding of the strengths of public health interventions □ Detailed analysis and understanding of the limitations of public health interventionsTopic1. Bush firesPresentation requirements: PowerPoint or Prezi or similar format Each group member needs to demonstrate team work and contribution. All group members are expected to present

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Tanaya answered on May 30 2021
145 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Bush Fire    3
Strength of Public Health Intervention in Bush fire    3
Limitations    4
Conclusion    4
References    5
The public health intervention involves efforts or policies, which involves in the improvement of the physical and mental health condition at a population level. In most of the countries, these health interventions are operated by a number of health organisation, which includes NGO (non-governmental organisation, private sectors and governmental organisation (Young, Tothill, Drew & Dohle, 2017).
These health interventions can be promoted with the help of specific habits and behaviours so that the emotional, physical and mental health of the individual can be improved. The public health interventions can be improved in three levels. It can be based on maintaining the population’s health, it can involve in secondary improvement in terms of physical, mental and emotional aspects and improving the recovery and treatment process of the population (Gi
s et al., 2018).
Bush Fire
Bush Fire in Australia has become a concern affecting the flora, fauna as well as infrastructure. The growing bush fires have resulted in various heart and respiratory problems due to the exposure of smoke for an extended period. These have resulted in increased anxiety, mood disorders, trauma and dislocation of the population (Dwyer & Hardy, 2016). It has been also observed with the increase in the Bush fire there had also been an enhanced health impacts with persistent premature...

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