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This will be completed as an activity today and is due by 1 june2020. 1.What are the benefits and limitations of community work and community development in social work? 2.In what way could community...

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This will be completed as an activity today and is due by 1 june2020.

1.What are the benefits and limitations of community work and community development in social work? 2.In what way could community work be a tool for social workers 3.What particular learning was important to you arising from the panel and subsequent discussion. 4.Describe your experience of participating or facilitating community work. 5.What areas of skill development do you want to focus on to enhance your practice of community work as a social worker? 500 words REFLECTION •
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 01 2021
145 Votes
Social capital is a multidimensional resource that is extracted from social ties, networks and relations that people in one group of community share with another group within the same community or outside the community. In the golden words of Gordon Hinckle, "One of the great ironies of life is person who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served".
Benefits from community service and community development are profound and some of them are mentioned below
· Community service develops an enhanced sense of social responsibility
· It provides a platform to contribute to larger issue and comprehend the value of contribution
· Establishing relationships and networks with people from various section of society
· Improving communication skills along with other skills that are critical for success like interpersonal and problem solving
Limitation from community service and community development
Lack of transparency between the different NGOs and community groups. There are lot of scenarios where the contribution from various community groups haven’t reached the right audience rather have shrunk in between
Second is community development at its core is social change that is circumscribed by the nature of government sponsorship. Basis the interest displayed by the government in community development, the activities increases or decreases traction from other stakeholders.
Community development essentially means identifying the needs of community and working towards building an enhanced community. While on the other hand social work is more inclined towards individuals who are present in the community and filling their...

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